get out of here Bill.
Talking cease and decist and IP on a 30 year cab repro.
Your pessimism and fear is not warranted.
And it not a huge amount of money and we were given a 3-5 month lead time after deposits were made.
Put up or shut up. I put up and I don’t need bomb scares putting more doubt into this project and delaying it any further
We need to figure the monitors and that’s it. Anything else is jumping to conclusions.
Bringing up what some people - OTHER THAN YOURSELF - would consider VALID CONCERNS is "pessimism" and "fear"?
I've posted 3, 4 times in this thread - I'm certainly not deriding anyone for building and/or wanting to pay for this, despite what you may feel the need to interpret.
I dont know what Champagne-wishing, caviar-dream world you currently reside in, $500 is a pretty significant amount of money for something thats not even built yet. Will it break the bank for people? If you're ready to put down the cash for it, it obviously won't.
"We need to figure the monitors and that’s it. Anything else is jumping to conclusions." Dont you think that should have been the FIRST detail that should have gotten ironed out? Maybe it's me, but that seems to be the most important part of an arcade cabinet, because thats what you're ultimately going to be playing the game on.
I've been in this hobby a loong time, but over the years i've started to see a LOT of people dive head first into things they dont know how to do, and still think that they know more than anyone else. It's a real scary thing to see so much misinformation gets spread around and widely accepted as fact by people that dont care to take the time to research. You think thats "jumping to conclusions?" I would call it being cautious.
Hursit may not be the type of dude that will actively try to f*ck a bunch of people out of money, but I only have his post history to go on, maybe you have more insight? I'd like to hear it, but dont dismiss concerns someone else might have as fear-mongering and pessimism - thats just childish.