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PNL Caught Fire

Oh man terrible news, sorry about this happen to PNL and John he's been very helpful and supportive for years.
Man, that totally sucks. Insurance should pick up most if not all of the cost if he had enough coverage. But, it will take a while for him to see any $$$. After the adjuster inpects all and if they dont want to keep any of the stuff damaged John can still try to salvage a lot of the pcbs, etc...that are not fire damaged. Anything tha just got wet/dirty can be washed and tested out, even if non functional can be used for spare parts.

In the meantime, a gofundme drive can help him get some funds to start up maybe a satellite repair shop and/or to get equipment, help him pay some bills etc....
Dang, just could have easily been Sharp Image repair. I never used PNL but that definitely sucks.
Maybe we should start up a GoFund me to help him out. I know he's helped A LOT of us in this hobby. This is a real bummer. I almost sent him 9 chassis last week....so unrealdang .
dang 9? are you starting an Arcade.
Thank you for starting it.

I saw him in Sunday and we spoke for a couple of hours. He told me someone went to his business asking to take pictures to start a godundme for him. Not sure who that person might be but I’m assuming it’s someone from this thread.

He did say he would be grateful and it would allow him to open the business sooner. His landlord is not allowing him to rent one of the empty spaces unless he pays rent on both spaces. He’s looking at other options and will slowly reopen again. I believe he’ll be working from home in the meantime.
we are at $675 already on day 2! keep it up, yall!!! i left my phone in the ryder truck after i dropped it off from the con, but im getting it back today and im gonna call John to let him know ill be sending him money on behalf of the Arcade Projects Forum at the end of the month. thanks to all who donated and all who will do so. together, we will keep arcades alive.
I was thinking it might be a good idea to change the topic title to something more like "PNL repair shop caught fire" or something like that. I mention this because there are so many shorthand names for arcade equipment that I initially thought PNL is probably some later piece of arcade equipment that I wasn't familiar with and almost didn't click the thread not realizing it's an actual persons livelihood of topic. Just a thought.