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May 28, 2023
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Does anyone know where I could find PGM cartridge cases with artwork. Shockbox is ok. Pretty sure I ran into them on aliexpress or ebay in one of my PGM game searches, but cannot seem to find them anymore. Must have been aliexpress since the search is horrible.
Btw I bought the shockboxes from aliexpress. The seller didn’t offer the Cave ones anymore. But I reached out to the seller when they would be available again. He replied that you can just order any and to just send them a message with a request for the Cave artwork.
Hopefully everything went ok, the boxes are in my country waiting to be shipped to my house. I will post the pics when I receive them

So I ordered first a batch for the games that I own and plan to own and a couple of days later I ordered them for the cave games. Now the cave games arrived, still waiting on my first order :D
They look good. Shockboxes are not the toughest design but at least it is nice I can finally display my collection in a nice manner
Finally the last 10 shockboxes arrived. Looks like they were shipped by boat since it took 2 months to arrive. Still need 5 cartridges to actually fill them all :D

Nice collection. Just got a PGM with the three Cave games as well and ordered shockboxes from Southtown. What are your favorite games so far for the system?
@ninja gaijin hmmm hard to choose since every game has something and collection is not fully complete. Still searching for SVG on cart.

Might be because it arrived last week but I think KOV 2 nine dragons is my favorite. Just nice brawler fun and it’s beautiful if you ask me. But honestly the PGM has some great games. Every game I own so far is fun.


The cave shooter’s are great. I suck at them, thank got for free play mode. It didn’t help that my monitor can not rotate in the right direction for taito mode. I’m planning to hook it up to my PVM.