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Niko's JVS tool (Source code inside)

this is such a awesome tool, thank you. i had this up and running for about a week now.
....but as of today the tool stopped working. it will work for about 5-10 mins. then it stops responding.
any idea why its doing this? i ran it through the debugger in vs and i didnt get any errors. but i dont know a thing about code, i could be missing something obvious.......it took me like 3 days to figure out how to build it hahaa. thanks
Hey xer.

Are you able to give a brief insight to how you are using the tool. Will help with trying to understand why it's stopping.
I understand I'm bumping a old thread now...
But I was hoping someone could help me out with this question.

I'm looking to use this motherboard (Gigabyte DS3H) with an original Taito JVS PC card.
As the above motherboard has a real COM1 port, I believe just connected this up and using Niko's tool should work?

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I understand I'm bumping a old thread now...
But I was hoping someone could help me out with this question.

I'm looking to use this motherboard (Gigabyte DS3H) with an original Taito JVS PC card.
As the above motherboard has a real COM1 port, I believe just connected this up and using Niko's tool should work?

Yep, just make sure you're specify the correct COM port.

For maximum compatibility you can change it to COM2.
For maximum compatibility you can change it to COM2.
I'll do my best with it, I'm not much of a software guy but it seems pretty clear to me.
If all else fails I do have a JVSPAC2, I'd just rather use Taito's own/official JVS hardware.
i think this might be my problem but i have 0 coding knowledge.

I am running a sq/gbalance cab which is wiring for taito but theres an adapter for sega io. So i recently upgraded to a sega io type 4 but now after upgrading from a different sega io when i launch mame no inputs work at all joystick buttons start button coin etc.

So i am not sure whats different

inputs work in jvs games like sf4 etc.
How would i get this to work on a PC running a TTX3 mult HDD? I been using cjvs for sometime now and never had a issue with it but i just cant get it to work on the multi.

Edit: fixed my issue, was a driver problem. So now cjvs runs for about 5-10 mins before it stops detecting my inputs. I've had this problem before on a pervious build of attract mode i put together., it would only happen when i would install drivers that used com ports, like arduinos and raspberry pis. The way i solved this problem was to do a fresh install of windows and never install anything, but i cant do that here. would changing com ports to like 15 or somer high number help?

Edit2: if its worth mentioning when i was setting my controls in fightcade cjvs it stopped working and it said waiting for left control to be released.
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RE-Uploaded Niko's source setup to use keyboard.

For the non programmers.
You will need Visual Studio (VS). VS 2015 express will be fine and is free.

Once VS is installed open the file cjvs.sln.
This should open VS automatically.
On the right side panel you should see a file called key_config.h.
This is the file you will need to edit for your desired layout.

At the top of the file is a link to a site which has all the hex scancodes you can use.
Eg. the Enter key's scan code is 0x1C so
#define P1_START 0xFF would become #define P1_START 0x1C if you wanted to use Enter for start.

I have preset player one joystick to arrow keys as they require a little extra code in the main program file to work correctly.
Player 1 start + button 1 will execute what ever #define S_ESC is set to.
Once you have edited the file to your liking press CTRL + S to save the file.

Now on the top panel you will see 2 drop down boxes one saying debug and another x64.
You will need to change debug to release and x64 to x86.
Once you have them selected. click on build in the top bar menu and select build solution.
This will create a folder called release in the folder cjsv.sln is. Inside this folder is your program you can use.

If you have any issues or questions don't hesitate to ask.

Also a big shout out to Niko for his jvs code he has done some amazing work with it.
This link is no longer valid. Can anyone share this file?
