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Aug 14, 2023
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Tacoma, Washington
Hello, I recently converted a beat up midway skins game cab into a Blitz 99. I decided to keep the control panel at the 2 player size and bought a bundle of 4 49 way joysticks, but I forgot to ask if it included a wiring harness and when it arrived, there was no harness. I read that for 2 players you directly wire the joysticks to the gameboard on the 3rd and 4th player slots so I found what I thought was the right wiring harness. I got the cab fully converted and ready to play and all the buttons work except the wiring harness was meant for the i40 board and not directly meant to be plugged into the joysticks.

I cant seem to find the wiring harness so I think the only option is to make one, so my question is what pin on the joystick corresponds to what pin on the board? The number of pins on the board is not the same as the number of pins on the joysticks so I'm confused on how to proceed. All I know is that I am not going to swap in 8 way joysticks. Any help is much appreciated.


  • Photo Jan 15 2024, 6 50 04 PM.jpg
    Photo Jan 15 2024, 6 50 04 PM.jpg
    232 KB · Views: 31
Thank you that actually really helps! I see where the 8 input wires connect on both the joystick and the board, ground is pin 1 on the board and 12 on the joystick, but I was not aware of a 5v wire going into the joystick, but it does not seem to come from the p 3/4 pins so I assume that means I have to wire it from the jamma harness to the joystick? Also what type of connectors go to the pins? Is it molex or something else?