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New net city Toshiba red bleeding/splotches?


Jul 11, 2024
Reaction score
Wentzville, Missouri

mostly finished my first candy. Initially I had this problem with red blinking or solid splotches/bleeding going in to white and black spots occasionally on the monitor but I was able to fix it with adjusting the contrast and that seemed to stabilize it for a few days.

but it seems to come in and out depending on when it feels like it even at lower contrasts. Sometimes it'll have no extra red for an hour sometimes it'll have slight extra red for an hour, just depends. At the moment it seems to disappear completely around 39/40 but before I believe 50 worked.

Naomi CRT test shows red extend beyond the rest of the colors by a smidge at beyond 45 contrast and a slight bit of red at top end of white.

Admittedly I have essentially no CRT experience as the only other cab I've owned had no monitor issues in the time I owned it years ago, though I know some basics.

Video of it while stable

Just curious of your opinion, thanks 😁


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Did you tri to reduce red cut off or rgain with remote?
Was in the process of looking in to that and see I need the modified board. Found a site and ordered it. Would be convenient if that was the problem for sure haha. Just not testable until that comes in for a week or two.

The simplest solution didn't work so it probably is the 2nd simplest solution, just wanted to make sure it wasn't something particularly bad to where I shouldn't even be running it.
If the red bleed comes and goes, it's likely a fault on the chassis.
If the red bleed comes and goes, it's likely a fault on the chassis.
I guess to make it simpler, low vs mid/high contrast.

At lower contrasts the problem pretty much goes away. It might be a little noticable at times but nothing egregious usually. But at higher contrasts it's incredibly noticable and constant.

The monitor is pretty crisp otherwise, the red just really enjoys coming and ruining the fun 😆

No clue when the extended remote will come in so can't really change color values yet and see if that fixes it. If it doesn't I'll probably look into a replacement chassis and find somewhere to get this one repaired. Not a job I'm capable of yet for sure.


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Took a shot at messing with the flyback a day later, and nothing really happened. Color got worse when it was tweaked higher, not much change when tweaked lower. Changed all the settings to what should be the ideal picture despite the red getting horribly overwhelming, did a power cycle and it just kinda...stopped happening. 2 weeks later, probably have ran it 20 hours since.

I'm sure something will pop up eventually and I'll have to send it out for repair, but for now weee

condos tired, after a long time without activities, after to wake up it the chemical inside some of condos reboot I assume....
Recap the neck board. Also, make sure your VGA input is plugged into the 0.7v input header on the board, not the 3v (CGA). They use the same type of connector, so it's common for someone to plug them in wrong.