Hi all, I've tried searching the respective CPS3 Ultra Simms threads but couldn't find any comments about if anyone has experienced this issue before?
I've purchased the programmer to write Ultra Simms for
@DRAGONKZ. Followed the instructions as highlighted and unfortunately came across the error as per the screen shot above when I was writing what I labelled as SIMM5.
Up until this point I had successfully written the 2x 64mb SIMMs (U9 and U10), SIMM3, 4 and eventually SIMM6.
I thought it may have been the file, but I confirmed that I could write the file to "SIMM6"
I've confirmed continuity between the ribbon on the programmer and simm
Outside of that, there's nothing else obvious on the SIMM that I can see for it not to error out the way it's erroring out.
I think there might just be a possibility this simm isn't working as expected.
Some other details:
OS: Win 10 x64
Application used: NOR062_Beta_A.exe
Programmer Version: 0xd2b5063d
Things done:
- I've unplugged and plugged the converter on the programmer multiple times (I don't believe it's the programmer as I've successfully written the other 5 SIMMS)
- rebooted the pc multiple times
- Reseated the simm multiple times
- Cleaned the contact with IPA
Any other suggestions are welcomed TIA.