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Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

Has anyone had any luck getting the serial port on the OpenJVS HAT to work? I have it enabled, and a cable built that I know works going through the RS-232 usb adapter, but am trying to use the serial port on the hat.

I got a null modem adapter as well - thinking that perhaps the RX/TX wouldn't need to be reversed, and still nothing.

I would expect at least to get the RX/TX LED's on the left of the board to light up at some point.


What do you want to do with that rs232? ffb?


If i read that properly, its one or the other? (Openjvs or openffb)

Are you trying to run both? Do you have one of aganyte’s ffb board?
OpenFFB does work with OpenJVS.

What I am trying to do is run the card reader off the serial port on the JVS hat - as my wheel takes over TTYusb0, so the auto card reader doesn't work since its TTYusb1.

I just don't see that the serial port on the JVS hat is actually working.

yeah - I can make it work if I manually drop into the command line and force it to ttyusb1, but would prefer the "auto" to work... so was thinking it would be easier if I could just the dedicated serial port on the openJVS hat.
I need to dig back into the code, as long as you are running a pi 4 you can use the serial on the hat, there is an option in standard wipi for that, maybe I didn't port it over. The openffb looks like a brain fart when I was writing the new option menu! Apologies, will correct that. I have a pi 5 for testing but need to find the time to get stuck back into it.
I need to dig back into the code, as long as you are running a pi 4 you can use the serial on the hat, there is an option in standard wipi for that, maybe I didn't port it over. The openffb looks like a brain fart when I was writing the new option menu! Apologies, will correct that. I have a pi 5 for testing but need to find the time to get stuck back into it.
No problem - I am running it on a pi4. The reason I am trying to use that port, is because the auto detect doesn't work when I have my force feedback wheel plugged in - it seems to think THAT is the card reader serial port - it must use the same type of driver.

Stupid question:
I download the .rar and .rev files from the drive, decompress and generate the .iso file, then flash the 32gb micro sd with etcher. Everything goes well and without error notifications.
I load the raspberry pi3b+ with the sd, and when it boots, I never see the wifi spot it should create. I see the act led reading and stopping, but it never ends process.
I have tried it with naomi powered and ethernet wired, and only raspberry alone, no difference.
The info in the sd apparently is right, I can see roms and files that are commented in the docummentation.
I do all process in a mac, It should’t be problem.
Can anybody point me where to find the problem?
Attach a hdmi Monitor your raspberry pi. Does it hang or output any error messages?

Do you use a PSU which high enough ampere to power the pi?

If you power up the pi without ethernet connected it should provide the wifi spot.

Maybe your SD card is faulty - can you test a different one?
Thanks for your reply @Orakelschaf.
Problem has to be caused by the sd, .img file or balenaEtcher.

I have flashed Raspberry Pi Os with Raspberry Pi Imager in another sd, and worked fine. Power is not the issue as I have been able to test the OS and use a wired usb mouse.

WiPi does not show image to monitor through hdmi, nor wifi spot.
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I need to dig back into the code, as long as you are running a pi 4 you can use the serial on the hat, there is an option in standard wipi for that, maybe I didn't port it over. The openffb looks like a brain fart when I was writing the new option menu! Apologies, will correct that. I have a pi 5 for testing but need to find the time to get stuck back into it.
Been having trouble with this as well - unable to emulate card reader when using Sidewinder FFB wheel. If there's a fix it would be greatly appreciated!

Also - mentioned a while back - re-enable option to boot right into last game played?

Thanks for all your work!
Is there any direct link for the IMG file, I keep getting corrupted or missing file errors when I try to unzip the file , I downloaded everything 3 time already
Got it to work. For some reason the files where being downloaded with extra numbers at the end of the file name, rename all the incorrect ones and the img file got extracted successfully
is the update feature not working anymore. Can I make also one suggestion. I am made my hod2 cab a multi and im disabling all the none lightgun games i dont want to show up on list but every time i select No it kicks me to top of screen. Is there anyway to stop that or can i stick the sd into computer and edit there because it takes hours to setup my game list.
Hi @chunksin

I currently use a small module (PN532 NFC USB Module - Type C, https://tapto.wiki/NFC_Readers) for my MisTer with TapTo that is perfect for building into the card reader of my AWSD cab but unfortunately it does not appear to work with WiPi.
I assume it might be due to it not being recognized as an NFC reader but I'm guessing a 'USB to UART'.
It's a big ask, I know, but do you think it would be possible to make this one work with WiPi too ?


These are really cheap on AliExpress so I'd gladly donate one if needed ;)

PS: The TapTo wiki mentions the "libnfc" library and "pn532_uart" driver for this device I think (https://tapto.wiki/Reader_Drivers)
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I've picked up a new NFC card reader, the ACS ACR1252 which seems to be an updated version of the ACR122 and it tests fine on WiPi, I've got some free time coming up so will be releasing new code over the coming weeks, nothing fancy, general updates - support for another new card reader and card reader support for ID 4-8, new options screen. Will also be spinning off a new card reader focussed image, WiPi CardServer which is cut down just for games that use the readers, 8GB in size with netbooting included and full support for multi cab setups.
Hi @chunksin
Did you ever release this image?
Would be great to have one with working card reader emulation for a driving cab (initial d 1/3).
@glstar go back to the first post and download from the google drive link... works like a charm with card reader emulation for Initial D1/2/3.
Thanks for the info.
Now i just need to understand how card reader emulation works.....
If i need to buy some particular hardware to have it working in my id3 twin.