Making good progress on the Naomi menu thanks to
@DragonMinded - thanks for all of your help, much appreciated, sorry for the slew of questions!
I've got the toolchain built so I can make changes and have done a tiny bit of customisation, right and left now skips up and down the games list a screen at a time, I've updated the font and the colour scheme, just messing about really. The timers have been adjusted slightly to accommodate the compressed ROMs used in WiPi and the unzip process has been optimised to shave off a few seconds of load time. The stubborn games that refuse to reboot are still an issue, there seems to be around a 30 second delay between issuing the command and the game responding but it will eventually return to the menu again. The reset button combo for OpenJVS has been changed to start+2 other buttons and is working really well so it shouldn't be long until I'm ready to release, I'm also removing triforcetools and moving to the
@DragonMinded netboot suite of tools.