Hatsune Mike
In a bit I'm going to put together a really simple shopping list for populating the G1 section and enhance the guide with more pictures.
@outrun2, not necessarily! I had VF3 cab with a Hitachi screen. It had a really sharp picture, the best I've seen from a middle res game. Don't count it out
I have two astros side by side with MS9's one has a toshiba tube and the other a hitachi
I have done the G1 mod to all of my MS9s. My general consensus is that it's not majorly beneficial if you are only running 15khz resolutions. You will get PVM-like scanlines right in your face. This may be uncomfortable to people that do not like the sharp scanline look.
I've been running the 31k mod on an auto-switching MS9 for quite a while, and while I agree that it's not a perfect experience, it's not nearly what you've described here from what I've seen. I've not had any color issues when changing between resolutions - only a minor tweak to Contrast is needed on my setup (though as noted in Mike's guide, overall brightness is reduced at 31k).The VGA mod is interesting, but there are caveats. Geometry will be compromised and you still have to amplify the video levels to TTL level, even though the 31khz standard is almost always consumer 0.7vpp level. If you are doing this mod so that you can go back and forth between 15 and 31khz often you shouldn't do the mod. Colors and major geometry adjustments are needed when changing between the two resolutions. My opinion is that you should only do this mod if you want to permanently change your MS9 into a 31khz only monitor. And at that point, just hunt down a 2932 or another 31khz only monitor instead of compromising a good working MS9.