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Apr 18, 2018
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I bought a Tekken 5 cab with basically everything broken in it. The cpu wasn't loading so I got a time crisis 4 ss256 CPU and swapped everything over from the bad CPU. I also bought a DVD drive that's on the list to run 256 games. However after installing it, Tekken DVD won't load up. When I put the tc4 hd in it it , tc4 loads up. Are they not compatible? Is there a way to make this work? Thanks
did you check the tekken disc for scratches?

i also found 256 to be more dvd drive picky then 246.

will get your the origional 256 drive info tomarrow.
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ok here is my dvd drive finding for the system 256 the dvd drive has to be master not carrier select. the disc in the drive will not read with carrier select.

the image below is the origional drive in both of my 256 units. but i suspect the issue your having is that your drive is not in master mode.


  • IMG_0604.jpg
    973.6 KB · Views: 233
Voltage is good, like I said it's a tc4 cpu and apparently it won't run anything BUT tc4....now I need to unload it and get the right version.
Voltage is good
I wonder how dirty the original pcb was? What I would have done was look into any defects on the pcb before jumping to conclusions. Do the fans spin? Does the pcb get any sort of power at all?
the super system 265 appears to only run games via hard drive as the firmware does not have (or allow) the use of a dvd drive. it does not have the atapi commands so ive read / experienced.

some 246 games (fate) will load but run in an overclocked state which results in very very glitchy sound, brightness, speed, text etc.

there are 3 holes where the namco 246+ / 256 mode jumper is supposed to be (its still marked on the board) but i do not believe this is the only point that disables the compatibility switch as i tried bridging it with tweezers which just resulted in no longer posting / booting up. i was under the impression that it is 256 mode which is disabled and 246+ mode was enabled.

i love the small case. i am not convinced this guy is useless. there must be some way to enable the atapi and switch modes. it is all too typical of sony to disable features via firmware.

it will try to run all these games but time crisis 4 seems to be the only one that matches its configuration standards.
I run tekken5DR also encountered A similar problem, my dongle is ted1 ver.A, but with dvd0B disc get is green dot, and then stop in this screen, I think it may be the disc version does not match, should match dvd0 version. Which friend can provide the tekken5DR dvd0 version download? thanks!