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Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

I got the USB A/A cables in - and all works great! I am still printing out a final version of the tray to make sure everything fits and I will post it. Here is the final (front plate) part of it.

Referencing the red and blue 3D printed boards used in your setup.
If you could find a IDE switching device you could likely incorporate the HDD Games, IIRC there's a way to get them all to run from a single image.
Do you mean like a device you'd connect two IDE devices to and switch between them? Like there's a way to get all the games on one HDD image (I suppose so what with sizes of drives these days)?
I wonder if you could do this with a jank PCB that just has two IDE connectors and then use a relay or something to just control which device is getting power... we're getting pretty off topic here and I could probably search the forums or something to see if there's something like an SD to IDE device that can emulate a HDD for an old computer. I know they make them with CF cards, but I doubt that any CF card would be big enough to hold everything.

I found an old post here about someone being able to put all the APA formatted games in one image, but how exactly does the program data know which partition to access or which files to look for?
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Hola @BladeZX et al , I’ve been putting together a 256 multi with @mathewbeall ’s help. Everything seems to be in order but it won’t flash Brizzo’s dongle, always says SYS2X6 USB DEVICE NOT FOUND.

The dongle flashes just fine manually on the computer.

-Dongle plugged into 256, and through front panel to rpi
- USB thumbdrive to ODE USB0 (through ugreen adapter)
- ODE USB1 to rpi
- have the reset wire soldered and the 3 wires going to the 256/246 mode connectors
- power goes from molex through adapter to rpi, ode powered from rpi

I’ve replaced each of the wires and connectors just in case it was a faulty cable, and nothing has changed.

Any ideas? Thank you!


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  FTDI Drivers and Configuration

Download package:

https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX/Linux/libftd2xx-arm-v7-hf-1.4.8.gz   (As of 2019-06-08 this file is actually a .tar labeled as .gz)

Extract and follow insturctions in ReadMe.txt

  Define UDEV rules for SYS2X6 USB Dongle:

1.) Create and edit file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sys2x6.rules

2.) Add contents:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", ATTRS{product}=="SYS2X6 USB DONGLE", MODE="0666"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", ATTRS{product}=="SYS2X6 USB DONGLE", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo $kernel > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ftdi_sio/unbind'"

3.) sudo udevadm control --reload-rules