Damn the ODE board is a pretty important part that I missed. Still need to grab 1 of them too. Is this the one everyone using: https://shop.tattiebogle.net/product/prod_EkTnv3Tk2Trxhf
Damn the ODE board is a pretty important part that I missed. Still need to grab 1 of them too. Is this the one everyone using: https://shop.tattiebogle.net/product/prod_EkTnv3Tk2Trxhf
Ok cool. Thanks for the help. This hobby didn’t get any cheaper during my time away lol. I gonna pick 1 of these up soon and try to get selector parts.That is the one (and only!) that I know of.
Referencing the red and blue 3D printed boards used in your setup.I got the USB A/A cables in - and all works great! I am still printing out a final version of the tray to make sure everything fits and I will post it. Here is the final (front plate) part of it.
Man I missed getting this part tooThat is the one (and only!) that I know of.
Referencing the red and blue 3D printed boards used in your setup.
PM sentYep - I can 3dprint those for you - just send me a PM.
I know this is mostly for the DVD based games, but how are people normally handling HDD based games if they work at all?
Do you mean like a device you'd connect two IDE devices to and switch between them? Like there's a way to get all the games on one HDD image (I suppose so what with sizes of drives these days)?If you could find a IDE switching device you could likely incorporate the HDD Games, IIRC there's a way to get them all to run from a single image.
I wonder if you could do this with a jank PCB that just has two IDE connectors and then use a relay or something to just control which device is getting power... we're getting pretty off topic here and I could probably search the forums or something to see if there's something like an SD to IDE device that can emulate a HDD for an old computer. I know they make them with CF cards, but I doubt that any CF card would be big enough to hold everything.
FTDI Drivers and Configuration
Download package:
https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX/Linux/libftd2xx-arm-v7-hf-1.4.8.gz (As of 2019-06-08 this file is actually a .tar labeled as .gz)
Extract and follow insturctions in ReadMe.txt
Define UDEV rules for SYS2X6 USB Dongle:
1.) Create and edit file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sys2x6.rules
2.) Add contents:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", ATTRS{product}=="SYS2X6 USB DONGLE", MODE="0666"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", ATTRS{product}=="SYS2X6 USB DONGLE", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo $kernel > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ftdi_sio/unbind'"
3.) sudo udevadm control --reload-rules