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My Sega NAOMI cab project


Feb 14, 2024
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Barcelona (SPAIN)
Hi, I think to start posting my first project here as recomended by a friend (thanks Adri), the main reason is to record the progress and the problems/solutions that arise in the way and the second reason is to share with you and learn and of course have fun while I leave the machine ready.
I have acquired the machine from a person near my city who has had it for about 7 years in his house, before that I do not know the history of the machine.

As far as I know, the main reason I decided to buy it is because the CRT was in perfect condition when I saw it and because it had been cut to play sitting down.

At the moment I upload the first photos of the machine:


The machine seems an original Model: Virtua Striker 3 UK.
The person that sell it painted some pieces with a red color that I don't like, it also has some broken parts, others are missing but in general everything works ok (sound, controls, video, light, etc...)
The first thing I'm going to do is disassemble it, clean it and change the screws (the original torx type ones are pretty bad).
I will also make a list of the broken and missing parts.

PS: If someone has more info about this model please put it here!!!
Not in order, but one of the things I've have changed was the fluorescent light tube and it's electronics by a new led tube. The main benefit is that led tube does not heat and the consumption is much more less.
The most dificult was to find a tube that works with 110 VAC to not touch the original power connector. I finally find one that accepts voltages from 85 to 265 VAC.

And here it is mounted and shining...

For reference put a link to the model I found on amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/1vt6HN3
I've decided to change JVS wiring to JAMMA... because for me is universal and simplest interface to understand and to bridge different arcade systems (PCB's MiSTer, PC, etc...)
So first I taken away the JVS IO boards that comes with the Naomi Universal Cabinet and make a simple cable wiring harness that connect directly to a Jamma 56Pin connector

Then I've designed my own "supergun" to make it as versatile as I need for connect the diferent systems to the NUC.
The Audio part:
- has 2 slide switches, one for select if you want attenuation from speaker levels (mono or stereo) to line level or you want to bypass directly the line level in case you connect a PC or the MiSTER or something else that has audio output in line levels.
- the second slide switch is in case you select attenuation and mono for select the active audio line between + or - pin.
The Video part:
- Basically becase my NUC monitor is 31KHz fixed frequency, I only put 2 type of video connections, one for VGA (RGBHV) with an VGA connector, and a second output (RGBS) to connect a Scaler with a pot for adjust impedance in the CSYNC line (I've to put this becase not all jamma boards has the same sync levels and the scaler sometimes has troubles for make an stabilized output image).
The Buttons Interface:
- Basically I mimmic the standard DB15 NEO-GEO pinout with some personal changes, connect the extra buttons (B5, B6, SERV, TILT, and TEST) in the spare pins, so beacuse of this the 5V pin in the DB15 is no more connected to 5V
The other thing is the 1P-B6 and 2P-B6) is selectable to follow the standard JAMMA or the standard CHAMMA.
Also I've decied to put a kick harness connector in case in the future I want to connect to a MVS or similar system.
- The other things I've put there are a selectable 5V or 12V Voltmeter and a screw plugable connector for power the board, plus three pcb buttons for Tilt, Service and Test functions.

Finally I've decided to assign blue color to Player One, and Red color to Player 2 like Snow Bros color scheme.
I am in a similar position. Recently purchased a sega naomi universal also and will be restoring it very slowly. Mine has a sanwa monitor.