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Oct 23, 2016
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Hi everybody,

I am trying to repair this MV1FZ without sound.

I have a samurai shodown game to test. I can hear the neo geo intro sound and coin sound, but game doesnt have effects or music.
No sound in test menu.

I will upload a video, now i have fx sound, but when fight is going to start i can hear again the neo geo intro sound.

Things I did:
- Change z80 - no change
- Change Y2610 - no change
- Change Neo D0 - no change
- test continuity between Y2610 and cart slot - Everything ok
- test continuity between Y2610 and z80 - everything ok

I dont know how to continue...
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Have you cleaned the games and cart slot thoroughly with contact cleaner?

Have you reset the backup ram?

Otherwise, get a diag bios with a test cart.
I have a neo diag bios but not a m1 for the cart.

Slot is cleaned and interchanged with other slot from working mvs.

I havent reset the backup ram.

I dont know what more i can test. I have an oscilloscope but I dont know how to use it yet.
Pin 4 Ym3610 doesnt have pulse, tested with a audio probe. In a working mvs I can hear the bip in probe.
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