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FS MP12-IONA-SB: JVS Controller Board (Brook Compatible): Worldwide Sales & Troubleshooting Thread

For Sale
Just got my order from Mellow PCB. Thanks for those who've ordered for being patient, your packages will leave tomorrow.

Still have this handful left below for those who want one, send me a PM.

So, what's the consensus on performance here vs using the MP07? Thinking about building a new stick with this solely for use with the Exa, but I'm curious if there are benefits in terms of latency and the like. Would also be nice if this is more immune to the JVS I/O error I get on the MP07 on a fairly frequent basis.

Also, do you have to have two separate cables going to the stick to cover power and the actual JVS input?
So, what's the consensus on performance here vs using the MP07? Thinking about building a new stick with this solely for use with the Exa, but I'm curious if there are benefits in terms of latency and the like. Would also be nice if this is more immune to the JVS I/O error I get on the MP07 on a fairly frequent basis.

Also, do you have to have two separate cables going to the stick to cover power and the actual JVS input?
I've never owned 07 just this one. I use it exclusively with my EXA in a Vewlix. Haven't had issues with I/O errors at all. I use the USB-B for my input and the USB-C for power. It has been super nice and the EXA feels really good with it. Not sure about the 07 but the 12 supports JVS'(dash). Worth it I'd say.
So, what's the consensus on performance here vs using the MP07? Thinking about building a new stick with this solely for use with the Exa, but I'm curious if there are benefits in terms of latency and the like. Would also be nice if this is more immune to the JVS I/O error I get on the MP07 on a fairly frequent basis.

Also, do you have to have two separate cables going to the stick to cover power and the actual JVS input?
They’re different beasts. 07 lets you connect usb controllers to it, then sends JVS to the arcade device. 12 is for analog signals, i.e. buttons and a joystick. So if you’re building a stick from scratch, 12 is the answer. If you have a stick built already, with a usb encoder inside it, 07 is the answer.

My 12 is excellent as a brain inside my TR fightstick case. I just had to install an extra usb connection to send power to it, the photos are a page or two back.

Even if I was building a multi-purpose stick, like one with a brooks inside too, I’d probably stack a 12 alongside the other encoder using a dual 20 pin header. So I’d be sending analog to both the brooks and 07. That would be the least lag, versus encoding usb with a brooks and then sending a usb signal into the 07.
Hmmm... okay, I think I've got it, as far as the basics go anyway. So, if I wanted this to work with two players, how does the daisy chaining actually work? Do I need another USB port coming out of stick 1, or...?

Adding this for posterity, since a member just asked me and I thought it could just be public. The MP12 board identifies just fine on NOAMI. In the input test, I got signal for 8 buttons, coin, p1 start, and all directions. My setup isn't really good for sustained play but if anyone was waiting to confirm NOAMI compatibility, it worked on boot/test for me. Maybe someone else can chime in if they've been using it for game sessions, or with multiple devices, etc.
Great to get (tentative) confirmation that it works on Naomi and that it works great in a Vewlix running an Exa.

My next question is whether you can daisy chain four of them for Power Stone 2, as an alternative to a laggy, bulky Capcom IO. Toyoshim says you can chain “multiple,” but… 2 is multiple.
So I read through the thread and one person said that MP12-IONA-SB works fine on Naomi. But I’m also wondering what happens if you use two of these for a two player game?

Right now I have a Head to Head Astro City Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and Capcom Vs SNK 2 setup where for years I’ve been using the Capcom I/O. For years I’ve had high level MVC2 and CVS2 players play at my house and every time they always complain about the buttons/controls. My Third Strike, Super Turbo, and Vampire Savior players never complain. It makes sense since CPS is jamma while Naomi is not.

So for years after hearing the complaints I’ve been changing out buttons and joysticks but they’re still complaints. Then after doing research I hear the Capcom I/O is kinda laggy. I’ve been hearing this all over in different parts of the internet.

So I think this might be the solution for better controls for my MVC2/CVS2 Head to Head Astro City setup (Ya I know Astro City is not ideal for Naomi but it’s all I got). The MP12 seems like wiring a Brook PCB board straight to the JVS.

My question is: So it works really well with Naomi? And also what about two players (which I need for MVC2/CVS2). It says for this MP12 you have to Daisy Chain two together for two players. Has anyone done this before and report their findings?

I hope the MP12 works because I need clean optimal controls for my janky MVC2 Astro City Naomi setup lol

If it works well for a two player fighter like MVC2 then I’ll just use the Capcom I/O for display and audio while using the MP12 for the controls and forget about the wires from the jamma harness.
I hope the MP12 works because I need clean optimal controls for my janky MVC2 Astro City Naomi setup lol

If it works well for a two player fighter like MVC2 then I’ll just use the Capcom I/O for display and audio while using the MP12 for the controls and forget about the wires from the jamma harness.
Unfortunately I can't answer your question about 2p MP12s. If it falls through, or is cheaper, another solution you could try would be Dreamcast-compatible PCBs through maple adapters (Mitsurugi-w, MisterAddons, and TR Fightsticks sell them).

Overall, it's very unfortunate, but it doesn't seem anyone has published latency test numbers for the various JVS solutions, some of which have the reputation to be laggy, and some have interpreted it as the games themselves being laggy (look at the discourse around SFZ3Upper). I have heard that this is fundamentally a limitation of Naomi's low JVS polling rate, but again, no one has tested the various solutions and posted lag numbers with a transparent measurement methodology. Because of that we don't know exactly how the lag compares between the Capcom I/O, Sega I/O, MP07-IONA-US, MP12-IONA-SB, and OpenJVS. I also don't know the lag of the Maple adapters, which could possibly be lower or higher than JVS as they (to my knowledge) bypass the JVS I/O. If anyone has proper lag testing equipment and a bunch of the hardware I listed, they'd be filling in a big knowledge gap in the Naomi community
Unfortunately I can't answer your question about 2p MP12s. If it falls through, or is cheaper, another solution you could try would be Dreamcast-compatible PCBs through maple adapters (Mitsurugi-w, MisterAddons, and TR Fightsticks sell them).

Overall, it's very unfortunate, but it doesn't seem anyone has published latency test numbers for the various JVS solutions, some of which have the reputation to be laggy, and some have interpreted it as the games themselves being laggy (look at the discourse around SFZ3Upper). I have heard that this is fundamentally a limitation of Naomi's low JVS polling rate, but again, no one has tested the various solutions and posted lag numbers with a transparent measurement methodology. Because of that we don't know exactly how the lag compares between the Capcom I/O, Sega I/O, MP07-IONA-US, MP12-IONA-SB, and OpenJVS. I also don't know the lag of the Maple adapters, which could possibly be lower or higher than JVS as they (to my knowledge) bypass the JVS I/O. If anyone has proper lag testing equipment and a bunch of the hardware I listed, they'd be filling in a big knowledge gap in the Naomi community

Thank you so much RynoW for the reply. I appreciate your comments:)

Yes we don’t know anything about the MP-12 because there’s very little research about it.

BUT you mentioned possibly a great alternative that I never thought of:


Since I only play MVC2 and CVS2 anyway on my cabs this might be the best route and probably cheapest route to do this.

If you never mentioned maple I probably would have never thought of this lol.

Even if I was building a multi-purpose stick, like one with a brooks inside too, I’d probably stack a 12 alongside the other encoder using a dual 20 pin header. So I’d be sending analog to both the brooks and 07. That would be the least lag, versus encoding usb with a brooks and then sending a usb signal into the 07.
i'm doing something similar in my stick


  • PXL_20240424_092610470.MP.jpg
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That looks pretty sick

Is it anything like dual modding a Brook UFB with the Brooke Retro?
Is that a custom PCB they're connected to?

I'm actually interested in modding it the same way
thank you, it's just a simple PCB i made, same concept with the UFB and Retro, i just added some extra pins for the home, back, LED and GND and resisters for the LED and places diodes in the VCC line. if i didn't add the diodes then both boards would power up even if one was connected
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thank you, it's just a simple PCB i made, same concept with the UFB and Retro, i just added some extra pins for the home, back, LED and GND and resisters for the LED and places diodes in the VCC line. if i didn't add the diodes then both boards would power up even if one was connected
Already that sounds too complicated for my limited knowledge lol

You know seeing how we're here talking on Arcade Projects I'm sure there might be interest in a PCB like that to pair an already popular Brook Board with the JVS Board

I know I'd be interested in at least two 😉
I have units available, for anyone out there wanting to make a JVS arcade stick. Drop me a PM to order.
Before I commit to a few of these. I don't see any response around the daisy chaining. i.e. for 2 or more players. My use case is Exa BTW.
So how will the Exa know which player is which? My assumption is that either some firmware is flashed on the PCB to give it a unique number, or more likely IMHO, the closest PCB to the JVS host is classed as Player 1 with 2nd and subsequent in the chain, Player 2, 3 etc.
Likewise re: daisy chaining. I'd like to get several to drop into a cab directly for the purpose of supporting 2 and 4 player games but I can't commit until we know for sure this works as expected.

Someone asked early in the thread re: System 12 JVS support and I'm curious about that also. Hopefully we can get that answered too.
@KiwiLee @BroadwayJose - I don't own System 12 or EXA, so I will ask your questions to Toyoshim. Alternatively, he's on Twitter and pretty good and fast at answering questions.

I've sold a big batch of these but seldomly see reports back from users about their experience. So if anyone has used these successfully, please add to the knowledge base here.

@KiwiLee @BroadwayJose - I don't own System 12 or EXA, so I will ask your questions to Toyoshim. Alternatively, he's on Twitter and pretty good and fast at answering questions.

I've sold a big batch of these but seldomly see reports back from users about their experience. So if anyone has used these successfully, please add to the knowledge base here.

Thanks. Appreciate the quick response. Look forward to hearing back soon.
@KiwiLee @BroadwayJose - I don't own System 12 or EXA, so I will ask your questions to Toyoshim. Alternatively, he's on Twitter and pretty good and fast at answering questions.

I've sold a big batch of these but seldomly see reports back from users about their experience. So if anyone has used these successfully, please add to the knowledge base here.

Hey bud. Just wondering if you heard back about the daisy chaining for Exa. Really keen to pick some up if it works.