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Appreciate it! First world problems here :)
I've had exactly the same issue with my coin up buttons. It's been very hit and miss core to core with the remapping.
A lot of the time I end up mapping coin up to the player 1 and 2 start buttons and not my coin up button.
Can you try an experiment for me? Try binding the Street Fighter 2 Grand Master Challenge (or another troublemaker core) controls again, and when it's time to bind Coin, take a skinny paperclip and bend it in such a way that you can carefully touch each end to the Coin 1 pin (Pin 16) and one of the Ground pins (Pins 1, 2, 27, 28) on the JAMMA connector where it connects to the MiSTercade. That should trigger the Coin input directly on the harness.

If the MiSTercade sees that input and binds it then we've narrowed the culprit down to something with your cabinet's coin wiring to the harness.
If the MiSTercade does not see that input then the issue is with either the specific core or the MiSTercade.

Can you try an experiment for me? Try binding the Street Fighter 2 Grand Master Challenge (or another troublemaker core) controls again, and when it's time to bind Coin, take a skinny paperclip and bend it in such a way that you can carefully touch each end to the Coin 1 pin (Pin 16) and one of the Ground pins (Pins 1, 2, 27, 28) on the JAMMA connector where it connects to the MiSTercade. That should trigger the Coin input directly on the harness.

If the MiSTercade sees that input and binds it then we've narrowed the culprit down to something with your cabinet's coin wiring to the harness.
If the MiSTercade does not see that input then the issue is with either the specific core or the MiSTercade.


Thanks for the response! I can try directly jumping the coin input like that, but I can promise it's not a wiring issue, as I can connect any arcade PCB to the harness and the coin switch/credit button (which by nature jumpers the ground and coin input) and they work just fine. I've already traced the wiring with my DMM and verified that there's continuity on the correct pins. I'm going out of town for month so I won't be able to try anything until I get back, but I'll give it a shot regardless.

The only thing "special" about my setup is that I have a JAMMA switcher (one of the RiddledTV EZ 2-way switchers) connected to both the MisterCade and my Darksoft CPS2 kit board. I've used this same switcher on multiple cabinets with zero issues so I know it's not a problem with that. Again, I can disconnect the MisterCade and throw in any legit JAMMA pcb and everything works perfectly with coining up. I can also switch over to the Darksoft and everything works perfectly.

Here's a video I recorded back when I finished the cabinet, showing how things are setup. (This was back in 2022, and before I had even discovered this issue.)

View: https://youtu.be/v6bz5UkvQgM?si=ZYE1w4D0SoyIZGIo&t=334

Again, the default mappings that MisterAddons provided worked perfectly with coining up via the coin switch. It's only when trying to remap in the menu does it have issues with using the coin switch. SSF2T: Grand Master Challenge did work perfectly fine with coining up via the coin switch (or credit button) in the beginning. The only reason it's a "problem" core now is because I went into the menu to remap the buttons and couldn't map the coin back to the coin switch. If I delete and reinstall the core, I guarantee it'll work fine again.
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The mystery continues.

I just went back to an old stream I did of a SSF2T tournament from about a year ago, and verified that during that time, I was able to successfully remap the coin to the coin switch/credit button of my cabinet, as seen at the following timestamp.

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/6lTfmxfp0ps?si=TsiQvSadzi1WNeG6&t=6550

I'm even more puzzled than ever now though, as that doesn't explain why the coin switch works just fine for crediting up the cores with the default control mappings. If it was a wiring issue, that shouldn't work at all nor should it work with other JAMMA pcbs. Assuming nothing related to this has changed with the Mister/Cade in the last year, I think my next approach will be to reinstall everything Mister related on the SD card and begin from scratch. That's about the only thing that seems to be the wild card here. I'll probably reseat every harness edge connector for good measure, but man...what a head scratcher.
Have you tried without the jamma switcher? I think @misteraddons has mentioned before that some of them work fine but some mess with inputs. Would be a good possibility to eliminate.
Have you tried without the jamma switcher? I think @misteraddons has mentioned before that some of them work fine but some mess with inputs. Would be a good possibility to eliminate.

Except that I've already proven that the switcher isn't the problem. I'm going to just start from scratch and go from there. I'm guessing something in the mapping code got messed up. I'll report back once I've been able to reinstall things.
Ah dang I didn’t see that you tried without the switcher. It’s just good to eliminate possibilities 👍
Except that I've already proven that the switcher isn't the problem. I'm going to just start from scratch and go from there. I'm guessing something in the mapping code got messed up. I'll report back once I've been able to reinstall things.
Do you have Coin1=Coin2 DIP switch enabled? Check the red piano DIPS on the XL board as well as the black DIPS on the main board. This one is a head scratcher, even for me.
Okay, so I got around to testing this and turning this DIP switch on didn't help the issue.

I recorded a short video explaining and showing this issue. Hopefully there's an easy solution. Otherwise, this is going to continue to be a major frustration.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBZxUMJsAo4

Quick note in regards to the video. SSF2T: Grand Master Challenge did work with my coin switch/credit button originally by default. But it no longer works because I went through the button remap and when I got to the "coin" mapping, it wouldn't allow me to use the coin switch.
I can confirm mine also does this. I’ve got a remote board that has the coin switch on it that works fine, so it’s not essential but is frustrating. I’ve also noticed on some cores, such as Donpachi or Dimahoo when trying to remap other buttons - the Mistercade essentially ignores my button choices and stays in the default. With these cores I don’t get that option at the end where it asks another question - yes/no. I can’t recall what it says.

Edit. I tried one of the alternative cores of Donpachi. It was mapped to have the coin up on the coin mech micro switch. I tried mapping that to a button for an experiment and it wouldn’t take. I’m sure someone will work this out.
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I’m curious if deleting the existing mapping files from the SD card at /config/inputs for troublemaking cores would clear this issue up. Have you tried it?
Thanks for the responses guys. I'm out of town for a while, so I won't be able to test some of these things for a few weeks, but I'll report back in here when I get the chance.
Totay i sat at my cab.

I can't start P2 somehow.

In the past this was posisble, i think i've tested it with a street fighter core.
I retried that (remembering that A NEW CHALLENGER sound) again, nothing happens.
Tried a few other cores, just P1 START gets recognized.
And weirdly it seems after inserting a coin a pressed P1 START at the character/plane select screen i accidentaly pushed P2 START and it selected the character, while i started the game as P1.
Cant verify that on different cores, it was dodonpachi i think.

I remapped some cores manually, but that didnt help. :(

So what changed in between the last time ive checked P2?
-Added a cps2 Kick Harness (that shouldn't f*** things up i think)
-Ran Update_All I could not start the script in the cab, it gave me an error (smt with video output wrong). I moved the mister/mak out of the cab and hooked it via hdmi to my pc screen.
I think i not only had the keyboard plugged in, maybe also an USB arcade stick. And i think this screwed the config maybe?

Now i dont really want to start from scratch again (mister takes a while to update_all the first time, which is not a bad thing ;) ).
So what do i need to look for if i say compare the mister.ini on the mister with the one thats provided in the zip from github from mistercade? I guess i could fix it on a single line there.
Or are there other ways?

On a 2nd thought i could just replace the ini from the zip, and i should be fine, since i changed nothing else there?

Thanks in advance!
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Try deleting the mappings for any troublemaking cores from /config/inputs on the SD card, and then either rebind them manually or use the premade ones from the MiSTercade GitHub. There’s also instructions on the MiSTercade GitHub to have your input mappings automatically update when you run update_all.

Thanks for your reply, i didn't had that mapping in the downloader.ini, so that was it what screwed the config while doing update all?
I've Intergrated it now.

I replaced the ALL the files in the input config folder with those from the github, so it should be set up from scratch and i've replaced the menu combo file also.
I also replaced the mister.ini's with that from the github 15khzYOKO & 15khzTATECCW

I reinserted the SD into mistercade, ran 1944 No Luck :( P2 cant be started still.
On a bright moment i entered the games service menu and went into inputs.
P2 is working
like P1 on P1 side somehow instead of P2?!? I have no idea why that is (checked all buttons/directions), but would perfeclty explain the odd behaviour.

EDIT: Just started 1944 again, i can start the game on P2 side as P1, weird.

Any clue?
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Thanks for your reply, i didn't had that mapping in the downloader.ini, so that was it what screwed the config while doing update all?
I've Intergrated it now.

I replaced the ALL the files in the input config folder with those from the github, so it should be set up from scratch and i've replaced the menu combo file also.
I also replaced the mister.ini's with that from the github 15khzYOKO & 15khzTATECCW

I reinserted the SD into mistercade, ran 1944 No Luck :( P2 cant be started still.
On a bright moment i entered the games service menu and went into inputs.
P2 is working
like P1 on P1 side somehow instead of P2?!? I have no idea why that is (checked all buttons/directions), but would perfeclty explain the odd behaviour.

Any clue?
Usually this means P2 was activated first. You can “reset player assignment” in the core menu.

Alternatively, you can “hardcode” the inputs by adding this to your ini:

Usually this means P2 was activated first. You can “reset player assignment” in the core menu.

Alternatively, you can “hardcode” the inputs by adding this to your ini:

Aw man, thanks for chiming in!

My ini was P2 commented out somehow.

Edited it and then P2 was working in 1944.
Back to SF2CE both players present but swapped.

Im an idiot, i go the buttons/stick hooked via a MAK and DB15, turns out i did accidentaly plug them in the wrong order, because the paint cam off where i marked them. :(
Bummer, i clearly remember now that after the update_all. I was unsure if i plugged them in in the correct order and thought i will easily figure it out.
Lesson: Check things right after.

Anyway, zhank you people here!