I'm just using traditional pc to jamma interfaces for the mister (Jpac is €50).
Should I upgrade to a jammix/mistercade/arcade_lover i.e. something that is specifically designed for mister? (Why?)
It kind of depends on the specific MiSTer JAMMA hat you're comparing against the JPAC, what accessories you already have for your DE-10 Nano, and what your specific cab needs are:
- The JPAC doesn't have an audio amplifier, so if your cab doesn't already have an amplifier then audio routing to drive the speakers on the cab is much easier with one of the MiSTer JAMMA hats.
- If you want your MiSTer to run off of the JAMMA power instead of having to plug it in seperately, then the MiSTer JAMMA hats will do that.
- If your MiSter doesn't yet have an IO board then the MiSTer JAMMA hats will give you the three MiSTer physical buttons, fan connections, VGA analog port, etc.
- If your MiSTer doesn't yet have a USB hub then the MiSTer JAMMA hats integrate one.
- If you want a control combo to pull up the MiSTer menu without having to push a physical button, the MiSTer JAMMA hats support that.
- If you want to run HDMI video and analog video to the cab simultaneously (for dual mirrored displays or streaming) then the MiSTercade hat supports that.
- The MiSTercade hat has predefined controller mappings for all of the arcade and console cores. You'll have to map each core manually with the JPAC.
- If you want your MiSTer to be protected with a case, the MiSTercade and Irken Labs hats come with protective plates. The Jammix lets you put your MiSTer into an ITX PC case.
- If you want extra optional functionality such as SNAC (for light guns), Remote (breaking volume control, SNAC and MiSter hardware buttons out to a daughterboard that sits outside of the cab), or multiple cabinet linking then the MiSTercade offers that.
In the end though, if you're already happy with your existing MiSTer functionality with your cab with the JPAC then carry on!