The problem with "Mister" as a broad discussion is, as you noted already, every core is only as good as the author. Some 100% better than others.It’s nowhere near 98% accurate. In my post above I asked if anyone here’s done actual extensive side-by-side “play” testing with original hardware. Lots of crickets so far, however one other report from @Zepherino stating he too noticed some anomalies.
jepjepjep and some other very talented shmup players have been trying these new cores, on their own and on my Mistercade setup, and have been feeling positive. They know these games well, and I trust their opinions.I've 1cc'd Esprade on mister and arcade PCB back to back. Also 1cc'd Armed Police Batrider advanced course on mister and PCB back to back. I'm impressed with the mister.
Battle Garegga, Kingdom Grandprix, Sorcer Striker, Battle Bakraid, and of course Armed Police Batrider Release Candidate 1 builds are out if anyone wants to give them a test:
Lots of Raizing goodness on the Mister! I am impressed!
I had the same problems when I was first figuring out how to try new beta cores. It is a 3 file process. Download the zip file from the github page, put the 5 .mra files in the /_Arcade folder, put the 3 .rbf files in the /_Arcade/cores folder, and find the mame roms for all 5 games (it is best to just download all the versions and variations) and place the zipped mame roms in the /games/mame folderI feel stupid... Can anybody give me some pointers on how to make these work? I tried following the instructions, but all I get is ``Missing rbf file`` even though I placed in the core folder.
One of the things I'd like to do is record gameplay footage and run them side-by-side. I think the community could really benefit from more in-depth testing. Especially the arcade cores, they are very immature. It's the potential of mister that is exciting to me. It's not quite there, but I see it as a great option if people keep improving the cores. It blew me away when Jotego added the lightning flashes to the Ghosts'n Goblins core. That is another one that I plan on recording side-by-side footage with the PCB when I get some free time.
Thanks! I’ll give it another shot.I had the same problems when I was first figuring out how to try new beta cores. It is a 3 file process. Download the zip file from the github page, put the 5 .mra files in the /_Arcade folder, put the 3 .rbf files in the /_Arcade/cores folder, and find the mame roms for all 5 games (it is best to just download all the versions and variations) and place the zipped mame roms in the /games/mame folder
If you want to play all the versions available, put the .mra files that are in the _alt folders in your /Arcade/_alternatives folder.
That would be awesome. I had thought about doing something similar way back when. I only got as far as displaying a PCB and Core side-by-side on two cabs. Which seemed to look ok and run in parallel fine, but wasn’t indicative of the colour outputs and audio disparities. Those are another part of comparison for sure.I've wanted to go one step further and wire one set of controls up to a PCB and MiSTer simultaneously and run them on side-by-side CRTs operating off the same set of control inputs. I have the tech on hand to do it, but not the spare time at the moment. But it would likely make for some interesting YouTube content.
So really not trying to be a downer here, and it might be me remembering things wrong, but I have spent quite some time with the batrider pcb ( at least to my standards ) and it seems like half the frames or something are missing when playing the release candidate unfortunately. Like it lags a lot more than it should. Is there anyone else that gets the same behavior? Might it be some config I have or something similar?
While it's good that you are finding potential bugs, this isn't the forum to report issues.
Yeah, report your bugs to the GitHub. Pr4mod is happy to have people give feedback and bug reports. He wants to improve these cores as well.
There might be other things happening besides core inaccuracies that are giving you a lower rank. For instance, Batrider doesn’t reset rank after Game Over - you have to let the Attract run a couple of times for rank to drop. Rank alao climbs faster if you have spare credits so don’t add more than one Credit if you want rank to stay lower.I am not reporting a bug here, I’m trying to understand if I’m doing something wrong in the setup or if more people have felt the same?
The way rank is handled seems different also. Like the pcb starts at a higher rank? So it feels easier by a lot in the beginning. Might also be the slowdowns I guess
That I know with the PCB, as well as starting the pcb normally the first time begins with a higher rank. You have to only press start once and let the timer run out for everything to get a session with the default rank in the beginning. But default is not 0 either.There might be other things happening besides core inaccuracies that are giving you a lower rank. For instance, Batrider doesn’t reset rank after Game Over - you have to let the Attract run a couple of times for rank to drop. Rank alao climbs faster if you have spare credits so don’t add more than one Credit if you want rank to stay lower.
Here's what I know: CPS2 has been extensively tested against real hardware for fighting games. It's been deemed good enough to use in tournament settings (the Vampire Savior tournament at Combo Breaker was exclusively run on Misters for example, see photo I took below). The fighting game community is very picky, and very sensitive to lag and timing differences. I haven't heard of any complaints, and I know someone who played Vsav at CB, no issues reported from him for sure.
This is just my opinion, but if you're noting something as extreme as dropped inputs on CPS2 you might want to verify your setup. Because it's been used in high pressure situations by a lot of really good players, and I think if there was a general problem that big we'd know by now. I've run it myself through Mistercade many times with players, nobody reported issues like that. So it sounds like a setup problem to me. (I could be wrong, just trying to share what I've seen and heard. Maybe it is a power supply thing. I know I had issues with the Cave core and a power supply.)
I've run the beta through Mistercade on a cab for people who own the PCB, they did not notice anything that extreme. There have been debates over subtle things, is there different slowdown etc, but nothing like what you're describing.So really not trying to be a downer here, and it might be me remembering things wrong, but I have spent quite some time with the batrider pcb ( at least to my standards ) and it seems like half the frames or something are missing when playing the release candidate unfortunately. Like it lags a lot more than it should. Is there anyone else that gets the same behavior? Might it be some config I have or something similar?