I'm with you there. I've been slowly getting rid of all my old emulation junk. These days for me MAME is a tool to help fix and hack my original boards.I dunno, I either care enough to want to run a real board, or I don't really care enough that all I want is convenience and good enough emulation. If MisTer provides that at some point great. Right now it's more effort to set up than I want to think about.
I used to think emulation was good enough on my platforms that it's nearly impossible to tell but I've learned that's not the case. I play original hardware so frequently that whenever I play something emulated it's immediately obvious, and that's even with Goovymame on a CRT, which is about as good as emulation gets. That's not even the worst part, the worst part is pretty much every emulation setup I've owned I've spent 80% of my time with it tweaking the settings/frontend/controls/romset/etc. I feel like you're never done because a new/better front end or emulator or romset seems to be released faster than I have time to sort through the last one.
I haven't had a chance to play anything on Mister yet but I'm hoping it's better enough compared to emulation that I can use it to play games that I like enough to play occasionally but don't love enough to justify buying at their market value (hence my comment earlier about $500 SHMUPs).