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Martin Jones Sync Pulse Generator: A Layman in Need of Help with a Schematic

Hi Robert. This is the schematic:

@RealMFnG Bumping this old thread to ask a question about @Hatsune Mike 's board, which I have built out for the same purpose, to stabilize the sync on a Phoenix PCB. I have the 6.8K resistor and a 1 nF cap installed, where the silk screen erroneously has 0.1 nF and 680R values, and it works almost 100%. There is still a slight wobble to the picture when gameplay starts, or, there is movement in the attract screens. Oddly enough, I was tinkering with my power supply's potentiometer today, as it was kind of hard to turn. I cleaned the pot with deoxit so it would spin freely, then turned the voltage down to the minimum. I powered up and adjusted from there. Even at the lowest voltage, the game booted and played fine and, it was perfectly synced. Increasing the voltage beyond 4.5V, however, would result in a return of the jittering, with it reaching its worst when I adjusted the power supply to 5V (measured on IC pins on the game board). Turning the voltage back down to 4.5V eliminates this stuttering in the sync again. Anyone know why this is the case?
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