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Jul 14, 2022
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Maryland, United States
I know this is a long shot but I'm on the hunt for a US Mars Matrix kit (or as much of it as I can find). I've never seen a US MM cabinet in the wild and I've never come across anyone selling a kit before. Aside from a few cabinet pics online and the parts list in the manual I'm not even sure what all I'm looking for.

That said, I'm open to any MM US art, CPO, or anything you got. I have to start somewhere.

Currently playing MM on my Blast and I got a random itch to build a dedicated US cab for it.
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Still on the hunt for some Mars Matrix stuff. Over the past year I picked up some original US control panel decals and the full JP art set. I'm getting there.

Looking for:
  • Original US Marquee
  • Original english upper and lower movestrips
  • US B-board (prefer a clean case and still on battery)
  • Original english manual
  • Full US kit (probably unobtanium but will pay and/or trade handsomely)
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Well, so like, this is a total long shot here, but I do “technically” have a Mars Matrix item which fits your criteria of “mars matrix stuff”.

So if you are interested, then PM me. But if it’s “insanely silly” then please just ignore this.

With that said, here is the item.


It’s a 100% official and authentic Capcom USA Mars Matrix B kit box that I have been saving since the summer of 2000. But it is completely empty.


I was the manager at an arcade back then and after installing the kit into a cabinet, I saved the box just because it’s what I do.
Absolutely amazing! PM incoming!