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Lindbergh yellow hotd4 HELP please


Apr 12, 2022
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Hi guys, I have been searching the whole internet to try to find what is wrong with my machine and couldnt find anything, so I decided to ask here.

I have a HOTD4 cabinet which ran perfectly. I turned it off for about 2-3 months and now it wont boot. It shows me the now loading screen and after that fills, the screen freezes and starts blinking. I have spare hdd with the game installed and a spare gpu card. I tried swapping those but it did not change anything. I also took it apart to clean every contact point, changed the ram, reseated cpu and put fresh thermal paste. I dont have the installation dvd reinstall the game, other than that I think I tried everything.
Please help!
Lindbergh is crap, mine had a similar problem and i have eventually found out i had to reset the cmos and change the battery mostly of the times. When that coin battery goes below 2.8V it messed up with the bios somehow. You probably be good just by replacing it but i suggest you to check the coin battery voltage
Lindbergh is crap, mine had a similar problem and i have eventually found out i had to reset the cmos and change the battery mostly of the times. When that coin battery goes below 2.8V it messed up with the bios somehow. You probably be good just by replacing it but i suggest you to check the coin battery voltage
Thanks for the reply, the coin battery voltage on both motherboard and i/o board is 2.9v. After the now noading bar fills it starts to blink almost once per second and is not going to the lindbergh logo. I will change the batteries and see if it works. If it doesnt what else would you recommend i try? I thought the motherboard couldnt read the hdd but when i went into bios it shows both sd and hdd.
Thanks for the reply, the coin battery voltage on both motherboard and i/o board is 2.9v. After the now noading bar fills it starts to blink almost once per second and is not going to the lindbergh logo. I will change the batteries and see if it works. If it doesnt what else would you recommend i try? I thought the motherboard couldnt read the hdd but when i went into bios it shows both sd and hdd.
You should probably try the cmos reset. There is a pin header near the battery, put the jumper into that position (its clearly marked on the pcb) turn it on for a little bit then switch off, then switch back the jumpers to the original position, turn it on again and see if that made the job.
However, to my experience, 2.9V is not enought. In my case i had to have batteries with full capacity, or even better like 3.3V
Thats weird. What is the JVS card doing, does it turns green or stay orange? If won't turn green it's probably faulty, i've heard this is a weak point.
I honestly have no more tips other than try to swap a jvs
Thats weird. What is the JVS card doing, does it turns green or stay orange? If won't turn green it's probably faulty, i've heard this is a weak point.
I honestly have no more tips other than try to swap a jvs
Its blinking green. You can see it in the video.
Well thanks for the help anyway:)
Would you by any chance know anyone who might know what to do?
You've left it in that state for "a long time" (more then 10 minutes) right?
Is the gun board connected? the guns?

Your dips are all off for a 29inch right?
You've left it in that state for "a long time" (more then 10 minutes) right?
Is the gun board connected? the guns?

Your dips are all off for a 29inch right?
Hi. Yes i've left it for more than 10 minutes . Sometimes it stops blinking and freezes and sometimes it doesnt stop.

Everything is connected. I cleaned every contact point on the machine.

The dips are all off except number 8. When I first got it thats how it was. I have not touched the dips.
I've just realized that the Audio board was not plugged in. Could it be?
I still think the JVS is faulty cause my working board has a solid green, not blinking.
Anyway, good luck with it, you'll probably be able to find a new one on ebay from chinese sellers
I've just realized that the Audio board was not plugged in. Could it be?
I still think the JVS is faulty cause my working board has a solid green, not blinking.
Anyway, good luck with it, you'll probably be able to find a new one on ebay from chinese sellers
Someone told me to try and switch the audio and jvs board, also to remove the audio board completely and see if that would help. What position should the dip switches be?
Keeping this up by a funny coincidence, my HOTD4 was not posting anymore. It was almost a year turned off and i wanted to have a play with it.
After a good couple of hours i had to change the PSU with a Corsair gold 700W (previously i used a chinese brand 500W that revealed to be totally crap after few uses) and guess what? i had the same problem once.
After a overall inspection i decided to swap the JVS on the first slot (near edge of the case), the audio board on the second and complitely changed the rams with new ones even if the old one were totally fine on my testing pc (no idea why? that was the final culprit)
It got back to work 5 out of 5 cicles.
Try if that helps with.
I also suggest you to do a multi, its very easy and you can have many games to play with. You can find all the files online. The multi also bypass some post/crap.
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Keeping this up by a funny coincidence, my HOTD4 was not posting anymore. It was almost a year turned off and i wanted to have a play with it.
After a good couple of hours i had to change the PSU with a Corsair gold 700W (previously i used a chinese brand 500W that revealed to be totally crap after few uses) and guess what? i had the same problem once.
After a overall inspection i decided to swap the JVS on the first slot (near edge of the case), the audio board on the second and complitely changed the rams with new ones even if the old one were totally fine on my testing pc (no idea why? that was the final culprit)
It got back to work 5 out of 5 cicles.
Try if that helps with.
I also suggest you to do a multi, its very easy and you can have many games to play with. You can find all the files online. The multi also bypass some post/crap.
Thank you! So to get this straight you think the ram might be the problem? Also, what is a multi?
Hi, so here's the update.. i tried numerous rams and its still the same. I tried the multiboot but when its supposed to show the the menu it says no operating system found. Would you have the files that are needed? The CF link was down and I found something online and downloaded that. Also the hdd files that I downloaded had some corrupt files that I could not copy to hdd and the hotd4 is not in the files. If you do have the files can you please send it to me with wetransfer or something? Sorry for the hassle and thanks again!

P.S. in your other post about hotd4 you said it was due to a bad amp board. Can you tell me what an amp board is?
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Hi, so here's the update.. i tried numerous rams and its still the same. I tried the multiboot but when its supposed to show the the menu it says no operating system found. Would you have the files that are needed? The CF link was down and I found something online and downloaded that. Also the hdd files that I downloaded had some corrupt files that I could not copy to hdd and the hotd4 is not in the files. If you do have the files can you please send it to me with wetransfer or something? Sorry for the hassle and thanks again!

P.S. in your other post about hotd4 you said it was due to a bad amp board. Can you tell me what an amp board is?
You need to have all the "os" files in the HDD, they are in part 5 of the Mega Link : https://mega.nz/folder/zMhRDQ5T#BwWjX4sXMjfeDe4R26_eGA
The file extension (001,002,etc etc) gave me a ZIP as one file, then i extracted it and put in the HDD with the others (also 001,002 etc). I don't know if this is needed but i've never changed it, so it's better having all inside just in case.

The amp is the sounblaster, you know, the other card you have with the jvs, for the sound out.

For the CF card, try this one: https://archive.org/details/cf_multi_202103
Follow the tutorial on "how to"
Hi there, I have no solution for you, sorry - just a tip with the Rams: when the rams are defect or place wrong, the Lindbergh gives a sound signal (I think short, long,long, short, if I remember correctly)
When this sound does not appear you normaly don´t need to check the Rams, they are fine.
Regards, Frank.
You need to have all the "os" files in the HDD, they are in part 5 of the Mega Link : https://mega.nz/folder/zMhRDQ5T#BwWjX4sXMjfeDe4R26_eGA
The file extension (001,002,etc etc) gave me a ZIP as one file, then i extracted it and put in the HDD with the others (also 001,002 etc). I don't know if this is needed but i've never changed it, so it's better having all inside just in case.

The amp is the sounblaster, you know, the other card you have with the jvs, for the sound out.

For the CF card, try this one: https://archive.org/details/cf_multi_202103
Follow the tutorial on "how to"
Hi! I finally got the multi boot to work. Turns out the cf card was bad. The problem im having now is the house of the dead 4 is missing from the mega links. I dont care about the other games i just want to get the hotd4 working. I couldnt find the files online. Would you by any chance have the hotd4 .bin and .dat files? Also is it possible to get those files from a mame .chd?
Thanks a million!