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This isn't to do with the security, this is because you don't have the file permission set correctly in linux to allow executing of whatever file you're trying to run. `chmod +x <file_name>` will do it, but if you follow the instructions for the emulator you shouldn't ever have to do this.

Let's try to keep this on topic and about the emulator - you can create a new topic for asking about this!
Ok, I will keep on topic. Thank you Bobby
cant get vt 3 to load segmataion fault { core dumped} ?

also when i chmod +x <file_name> to make a .bin executable ...
i dont understand filename ?

for exsample do i chmod +x <hotd4special_hotdex.bin> ?
CabinetCtrl_InitDriver:787:SetErrorCode(5 : Drive board : (%d) Original point error)

tried running sudo usermod -a -G dialout,input $USER

im root@dan
i also saw the script arranged like sudo usermod -aG

but even though i have open gl error and vertex shade error
game loaded to drive board is not connected to main board error . please i need obviously to set mu user groups permission to access the input outputs dialout. but i cant seem to run the script to do this correctly
help massively appreciated thx

When i first installed. I noticed a E: high lighted in red?!

Now trying to run emulator as group dialout …
I’m running into the E: no location found isssue ?

Any help please ?

I’m not very savvy with Linux users / groups ..

But I found this in the net regarding

Trying To use tty/usb0

/dev/ttyUSB0device has the group of dialout

Add second user to the dialout group:

sudo adduser second_user dialout

So I think this issue is I’m trying to open a location /serial port for the ffb emulation to the ffb boards rs45 ?
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