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KoV bootlegs

@JacKc I’ll dump what I can too. I am not sure I could tell all the differences besides the rosters, so I’m glad you seem to know some of these variants! Took some photos yesterday but I was in a hurry so they didn’t turn out great. Will redo them when I get some more time, and when I dump the roms

Great list @JacKc I think the Street Fighter and the KOF versions are missing from your list. I don't think eigher is in mame yet.


I think you're talking about those kov bootleg hacks with KOF characters. They are already in the list as Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Quan Huang (kovlsqh) and Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Quan Huang II (kovlsqh2).

About the kov bootleg hack with Street Fighter characters, it seems it is not yet dumped.

@KalessinDB, @ekorz and @GC8TECH: Thanks for the nice photos and your support. This will help identify and reference all the kov bootlegs hacks :)
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I'm in the process of re-dumping the hack with street fighter characters. I was hoping to get it running on "Fluffys" PCBs.. as its not a very common game... and i get asked about it alot. I still have to try dumping the CPLD's that are used in the hack carts as well. BUT i bet there locked... Its ongoing work.....There is always somthing PGM related to do.... Trying to keep all my followers happy :-)
Quote from my web page....

Huge update on “Hacked PGM Carts”

I have done alot of work today on hack carts….. I submitted dumps of the program roms to the Mame team.. as there not in mame at the moment….

I beleve the following is true….
ALL HACK carts run a PLD (seams to be a Lattice LC4128V On all of them).
PLUS a “ARM7” CPU. This is eigher in a a small QFP OR a PLCC 44pin chip.
“LPC2131FBD64” Is the QFP ARM7 Core.I’m still ID’ing the PLCC part number (All chips are scratched off the top)
The PLD has JTAG.. i don’t know yet if the security bit is set…

The ARM7 seams to have jtag as well. (both have pin headers on the PCB for each chip).
SO it would seam they are emulating the IGS ASIC 27 chip…..

Another fact i know 100%. Some hack carts run un-encryted program rom code. While other use Encrypted Prog Roms.
@sheep_nova : thanks for the photos.

Never seen those kov booltegs except for the one with the green label. Need to ask some friendly Chinese for a translation...
According to SumavisionQ5 :


1.乱世风云传, Luan Shi Feng Yun Zhuan
2.乱世枭雄传, Luan Shi Xiao Xiong Zhuan
3.三国英雄传, SanGuo QunYingZhuan (kovsgqyz in FBN)
4.乱世风云传, Luan Shi Xiao Xiong Zhuan
So No.2 and No.4 are the same game.
5.乱世三国传, Luan Shi San Guo Zhuan
So by their names, all except N°3 are Quan Huang San Guo Special [kovshxas] hacks.

三国英杰传  San Guo Ying Jie Zhuan.jpg

三国英杰传 2009, San Guo Ying Jie Zhuan 2009

乱世拳皇2 加强版,Luan Shi Quan Huang 2 enhanced version ( or plus ) [kovlsqh2].jpg

乱世拳皇2 加强版,Luan Shi Quan Huang 2 enhanced version ( or plus )
This one is known as kovlsqh2 in FBN.

盖世英雄, Gai Shi Ying Xiong.jpg

盖世英雄, Gai Shi Ying Xiong
盖世英雄 加强版, Gai Shi Ying Xiong Enhanced Version

乱世街霸 加强版,Luan Shi Jie Ba Enhanced Version.jpg

乱世街霸,Luan Shi Jie Ba (kovlsjb in FBN)
乱世街霸 加强版,Luan Shi Jie Ba Enhanced Version

乱世拳皇,Luan Shi Quan Huang.jpg

乱世拳皇,Luan Shi Quan Huang (kovlsqh in FBN)

One more time thanks to SumavisionQ5 for his help and translation...and thank you guys for your photos :)
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Anyone know what chip profile I should be using to dump a 5v sop44? I have a xeltek 610p and a sop to dip adapter, but everything I'm finding is 3.3v.

can’t find a data sheet either
Fujitsu MSP55LV128
i have a note in my tech manual that the 3.3V chips do / should work

MX26L6420 This is the one i have used with my programmer , and it works.

MX29l3211 for 32mbit chips

So I picked up the cart above:


4588FEF8-DFD4-41B7-8C01-FE45A21221B5.jpeg A2A5DAA9-58C0-4F40-B4C9-CEBA0FFD9213.jpeg
Title screen & region info:
E415581C-5FD7-4C93-9690-810F83F30D91.jpeg 1DAD90CB-30C2-437F-BD90-9B39CC1FC13A.jpeg 434D38B7-E816-4E25-8E87-68D3ED4CA13D.jpeg
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It’s a KOV Hack compilation, 4in1.

Game 1 (War of the Three Kingdoms: Resurrection):
EEFF5369-69B9-4B8E-822B-EFEB91B7747C.jpeg 40C16CE5-3CA4-4EE9-BC06-EAB637D78D08.jpeg

Game 2 (King of Fighters x Three Kingdoms: Special Edition):
08A4F656-6DD3-4E0B-9221-B774F9E317CA.jpeg 5A5F5A3F-B608-4D44-9D00-67F61ACBDCCD.jpeg

Game 3 (Legend of the Three Kingdoms 2009):
606201F5-2B7B-4DD8-8D2A-F14B56A2B5EC.jpeg 12EEFD6E-02C0-488E-B564-959B0ED83ED8.jpeg

Game 4 (Return of the First God: 2009):
3A9CAEC1-5311-4DAB-A168-DCFEE7B59AAC.jpeg 1219DBB1-7B1B-4EA6-B6F5-007DEEF9831E.jpeg
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It’s a KOV Hack compilation, 4in1.

Game 1 (War of the Three Kingdoms: Resurrection):
EEFF5369-69B9-4B8E-822B-EFEB91B7747C.jpeg 40C16CE5-3CA4-4EE9-BC06-EAB637D78D08.jpeg

Game 2 (King of Fighters x Three Kingdoms: Special Edition):
08A4F656-6DD3-4E0B-9221-B774F9E317CA.jpeg 5A5F5A3F-B608-4D44-9D00-67F61ACBDCCD.jpeg

Game 3 (Legend of the Three Kingdoms 2009):
606201F5-2B7B-4DD8-8D2A-F14B56A2B5EC.jpeg 12EEFD6E-02C0-488E-B564-959B0ED83ED8.jpeg

Game 4 (Return of the First God: 2009):
3A9CAEC1-5311-4DAB-A168-DCFEE7B59AAC.jpeg 1219DBB1-7B1B-4EA6-B6F5-007DEEF9831E.jpeg
Nice find.

Need to make a Ketsui/Espgaluda/DOJ/Beestorm 4-in-1 now. The closest thing to a Cave multi we could hope for :)