What sold is below. What didn't sell has been deleted. Those who helped me out will be remembered when I re-open Japan proxy services in the future.
PGM mb w/Dodonpachi conversion cart, $250 SOLD
KoF98 MVS kit (full?) Japan ver, $200 SOLD
Raspberry Pi kit plug and play for online 56k modem Dreamcast, $100 SOLD
Clean white Dreamcast shell, FREE with purchase of Pi SOLD
Clear Japanese Dreamcast keyboard,$35 SOLD
Taito Game Center REM figure, $50 SOLD
Axunworks JAMMA extension (new), $65 SOLD
Last Blade 1 (black cart): $90 SOLD
Gamest Mook PSX Encylopedia Set $40 SOLD
CPS1 1941 conversion, well-made, 10mhz longboard, Semload case, $400 SOLD (Agreement, $450 shipped to USA).
Clean white Dreamcast shell, FREE with purchase of Pi SOLD
Clear Japanese Dreamcast keyboard,
Last Blade 1 (black cart): $90 SOLD
Gamest Mook PSX Encylopedia Set $40 SOLD
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