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May 6, 2021
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Los Angles, Ca
So TMNT Turtles in Time has a Freeplay hack as I understand it, so you can play without it getting stuck at the red (Raphael) Start screen.
But I'm wondering if there is a way to add a single Dollar Bill Validator to add credits to the machine, and then be able to pick any player to start and then reduce the total credit count by one? Until you're out of credits?
Right, but wouldn't you have to hook up 1 DBV / Turtle? Which is a lot of Validators for the front of a coin box... so this would be to avoid that...
Ah right. Been a while since I put this one in the cab and now I recall it uses specific chutes, even the 2p version. I think I wired up the coin and start buttons on mine, or something janky. Maybe I’ll poke around!
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Ok, thanks, it's not a big deal, I was just wondering if in my searches I was Missing a Solution, like something from HighScoreSaves, or something to make the game more future ready...
I don’t think so, maybe someone else will chime in. Otherwise I goofed around a little bit in mame debugger and I don't think there's a quick way to patch it up. As it is, the coin chutes are connected to each turtle.

$1c0100 is the coin memory location. The word shows what's happening:
00FF - nothing
00FE - 1p coin
00FD - 2p coin
00FB - 3p coin
00F7 - 4p coin

Start buttons are at:
$1c0000 - p1
$1c0002 - p2
$1c0004 - p3
$1c0006 - p4
word 00FF = nothing, 00EF 'start'

I can't think of a clean way to pool coins because of the way it currently tracks credits. When you add a coin, it gives you 2 lives regardless of if you're playing or what. I thought about adding credits to all turtles, then subtracting 2 from the other turtles when you press Start, but that leads to weird situations during gameplay where you can add a coin and not have to hit start, so everyone gets +2.

I think the right hack would be to build a credit pool and gut out the existing stuff, but that's probably more work than I want to do right now. Maybe if @kuze is feeling frisky.

But I do have the 2p board and I have it on freeplay right now (which I don't particularly like). So this might sit in my head a little more and if I come up with a good idea I may crack open the debugger again. I already have an editing environment set up for it, so it's just waiting on the right idea. (also with this many edits the checksum would have to be handled directly vs. the way the existing patch does it... but I think I can get that solved).
I’m pretty sure Apocalypse made a hack for this a while back if you dig through the games without free play thread
I’m pretty sure Apocalypse made a hack for this a while back if you dig through the games without free play thread
He did a free play hack that kept attract running. This would be like a one-coin-chute hack. Or did I miss it?
He did a free play hack that kept attract running. This would be like a one-coin-chute hack. Or did I miss it?
Ah ok I misunderstood what was being requested. Yeah I don’t think there is a quick way to facilitate this with the way the 4 player game is written.
Yeah, I think doing a DBV on one of these is kind of crazy, I think it'd be better off running this on quarters, and having a change machine next to it...
What you have described is exactly how the Australian TMNT machines operate. They use a Sunrise Micro MK4e credit board to pool credits. The credit board is then connected to a start button that subtracts a credit when a player selects a character. The boards are fairly cheap.
Those boards are great!

The company is still going strong too: http://www.sunrisemicro.com.au/credit_boards.html
Later versions of TMNT Turtles in Time, 4 player versions, works like you want. A common coin slot for all players that gives credits instead of lives.

For example: tmnt24pu "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UEA) (Konami, 1991)" (US Version E)
and tmnt2a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver ADA) (Konami, 1991)" (Asia Version D)

They also have the "Free Play" option.