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Multi Baez
Multi Boyz
Jul 22, 2015
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It's happening, boys. InfiniKey-CPS1 will handle C-board (C.P.S.-B-21 chip) encryption key writing.

CPS1 games that only have encrypted C-board:

*Capcom World 2 [TESTED]
Captain Commando [TESTED]
King of Dragons
Knights of the Round [TESTED]
Quiz & Dragons [TESTED]
Three Wonders [TESTED]
*Varth [TESTED]

*Light gray plastic cases do not have enough room for InfiniKey CPS1



Q-Sound games from that era (aka CPS Dash, CPS 1.5) that have both C and B-board encryption (yes, double suicide action):

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs [TESTED]
Muscle Bomber / Saturday Night Slam [TESTED] Masters [TESTED]
Muscle Bomber Duo
Punisher [TESTED]
Tenchi wo Kurau II / Warriors of Fate [TESTED]

These will use the "Q-Type" version (more compact so it will fit inside case, but lacks keyed connectors on top so requires more care in installation)



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Can I just say it, FUCK, YES.

There I said it!

I NEED that Warriors of Fate 2! :P

So, quick question, a dead CPS1.5, left unchecked for years, do I run the risk of acid damage on the board, or is it just a dead battery (or two in this case)?
So, quick question, a dead CPS1.5, left unchecked for years, do I run the risk of acid damage on the board, or is it just a dead battery (or two in this case)?
I've never seen acid damage on the C-board, but B-board is same as CPS2, so definitely a risk.

I have desuicided a few CPS1.5 and been lucky so far to not have had battery damage on them but one was starting to look a bit wet on the edges.

It's always a risk, you can always replace with batteries for now to keep it playing and then remove and InfiniKey. Or if it's just sitting there doing nothing remove batteries and wait

I just did 2 CPS1.5 boards last weekend and have 4 suicided CPS1 sets on the way from another friend to be desuicided too. Will get them going but let them know this is in the pipeline for later.
Does this require any modification to the game PCB other than soldering on the CPS1 infinikey (as in no trace cutting/etc.)? I didn't think it was possible to write a key to the C board while it was attached and unmodified.
Does this require any modification to the game PCB other than soldering on the CPS1 infinikey (as in no trace cutting/etc.)? I didn't think it was possible to write a key to the C board while it was attached and unmodified.
No mods to original hardware. It will make more sense to you when I get photos of the protos.
Hey UD, I have 3 suicided CPS1 sets here along with my own CPS1.5 board running on batteries that I would love to install a permanent solution on

Any chance that there's an update? :saint:

I have a punisher that I have phoenixed, and a Slam Masters that refuses to phoenix (but works with punisher roms). Really want to get this SNSM working correctly so eagerly awaiting word.
I have a punisher that I have phoenixed, and a Slam Masters that refuses to phoenix (but works with punisher roms). Really want to get this SNSM working correctly so eagerly awaiting word.
I think I responded to you on FB :)
I have a punisher that I have phoenixed, and a Slam Masters that refuses to phoenix (but works with punisher roms). Really want to get this SNSM working correctly so eagerly awaiting word.
Dude, that sounds like just a pile of junk. Why don't you mail those to me and in return I'll set you up with a few amazing games such as Martial Masters and Bad Dudes.
Just waiting on some parts (I realized I needed lower profile connectors in order for the CPS1.5 board stack to still fit in the case) and then I'll be testing on a friend's Punisher and someone is sending me a Tenchi wo Kurau II.
@Derick2k and @xtrasmiley were kind enough to send me more boards to test!

Derick2k's Varth really helped me refine my program because I learned that some CPS1 games interrogate the C-board processor very early on. My Knights of the Round and Captain Commando to not do this. Also, sadly I discovered that the light gray cased games, Varth and Capcom World 2, do not have the head-room necessary to fit the CPS1 InfiniKey inside the case :( :(

xtrasmiley's Tenchi wo Kurau II board looks to have been used as a battering ram (courtesy of surface shipping, I assume), but came up with the InfiniKeys the first time! I still need to do another board spin to address a mechanical issue, but I think it will be golden after that.

The first post has been updated with progress and projected release time.
That's great, I was just wondering what was the project status yesterday.

It should be possible to use this also to reprogram the keys of a C-board with a fresh battery, like the CPS2 one, right ?
So it will still be useful for Varth & the Capcom quiz game.
We can do it with an arduino of course but I guess an ad-hoc design will make it much more convenient.
It is, but this will I assume need to be soldered and desoldered rather than the connections you make with an Arduino so it's really more of a permanent solution

Not sure what UD means by not enough headroom in the case though, really keen to see how this thing works
It should be possible to use this also to reprogram the keys of a C-board with a fresh battery, like the CPS2 one, right ?
So it will still be useful for Varth & the Capcom quiz game.
Yup! Good point!
It is, but this will I assume need to be soldered and desoldered rather than the connections you make with an Arduino so it's really more of a permanent solution
Nope! No soldering on this one :)
Not sure what UD means by not enough headroom in the case though, really keen to see how this thing works
It's pluggable so it adds height to the board stack. Anything with a case only has so much room inside.
Ok, back from vacation. Ordered a bunch of stuff before leaving so that it would be waiting for me upon return. PCBs got lost in the mail :/

Rather than wait for the possibility that they show up eventually or get returned to origin, I just re-ordered more PCBs. If things go as planned, I should have them in hand on Friday with the weekend to build, test, and take stock photos. I'm excited to finally show them off, as they are quite different from the CPS2 version :D
Great work undamned ! Def something i need in my toolbox when it's available
Wow that's not what I was expecting, that's impressive

Any chance you're willing to share the expected price? :P