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In this thread we tube and yoke swap monitors

I dunno how you got that tube to fit with the Blast's curve. Here I have the Net City's bezel laying right across it, and I got plenty of light bleed between bezle and screen. Any gaps in your installation?

Theres some small ones but you cant really tell. Mainly top and bottom, could easily be remedied with some foam but I plan on selling it so I'm not going to bother. Good looking picture too.
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FWIW thats the tube I used for my Blast swap.

Most Toshiba tubes in the USA have Orion tubes in them, and they have a different curvature. If you find a full curve Toshiba set and it has an orion tube, it will not fit.


You have to rear mount and offset it to fit too. This will not fit properly in the Windy 2, since the bezel is form fitted for an exact curvature.

That tube has great colors but very soft scanlines.

Is great to hear that you were successful with a tube swap with one of these! I am holding on to one with the intention of doing a swap for a Blast City as well.

Is the yolk compatible? Or did you do a yolk swap too?
They're all yet to be shucked TVs, so I'm not sure I'll be able to check with the bezel, so it's basically a gambling game. Plus the dude wants an incredible amount of money for some of those (like 130 dollars) which is just not going to happen for some of them (unless someone had knowledge that it was a dead ringer). I'll probably pick up the cheaper ones in the bunch and check, if they do fit great, if the don't I'll try to RGB mod and flip them I guess.

Shuck that guy instead.

I searched 'CRT' in Facebook Marketplace in the ATL with 'Delivery Method' = 'Local Pick-up' and I see many free listings. And many more for <$25 (which you can barter down further). I am sure if you were to search for the term 'TV' or 'TELEVISION', you'd get even more results. You'll just have to scroll past a ton of LCD's if you use those search terms. If you see a candidate but are not sure what the size is, ask the seller to snap a pic of the label in the back and then look up the model number on the web to confirm it's a 27" TV. Setup a fake Facebook account if you don't already have one, and away you go. There is also Offerup, Craigslist, and thrift shops. More sweat involved, but......welcome to the hobby.

Yoke swapping is pretty much a foregone conclusion in the US for Nanao 29" monitors. But get yourself a BSIDE Pro and post if you find otherwise.
Yeah I've been keeping my eye on Facebook and Craigslist pretty regularly, lots of stuff in the atlanta area for sure. I also try to look at govdeals for school refreshes and stuff. I'll keep looking around. If you do happen upon the model number of the tube you found that worked perfectly, please let us know. It'll definitely help out in the long run.

I've also found that a lot of these Philips/Magnavox models don't actually have service manuals floating around, so the tube values I got in one of my previous posts were found from digging around parts suppliers (some even say they have them in stock lmao).
Is great to hear that you were successful with a tube swap with one of these! I am holding on to one with the intention of doing a swap for a Blast City as well.

Is the yolk compatible? Or did you do a yolk swap too?
Yoke swap. There’s some geometry issues but my 2930 windy has them too, many semi curved sets have those issues.
Dratz. I went through 2 more TV's this weekend.
  • First one was another honest to goodness Toshiba. The last Toshiba was too flat for either the MS9 or MS2933 (though @Hedonism Bot 2.0 used it fine with some gap between the screen glass and bezel), now this one was waaaaaaay too curved.
    • More proof that it is damn tough to eyeball these things
  • 2nd TV was a Panasonic and had an M-class tube in it. Though I am looking for an MS9 compatible tube, I found yet another MS293x fitment compatible tube. That is like 4 now and I don't even have a Blast City =)
    • I'll post model numbers later and BSIDE Pro metering specs later
Is there anything special about a yoke on a tri sync chasis? I have a Toshiba Timm that I want to swap the yoke on and was trying to determine a suitable donor.
Damnit, that tube is too flat for even an MS293x, let alone and MS8/9. It had an M-class Orion tube in a Toshiba TV. I've seen this before in Toshiba's. I have yet to see an M-class tube's curve work for either an MS8/9 or MS293x. Hoping I do someday though: M-class > A-class (supposedly). For now, scratch off the donor candidate list the following:
  • Mfg: Toshiba
  • Model#: 27A44
  • Tube Make: Orion
  • Tube#: M68LWF088X50
FWIW thats the tube I used for my Blast swap.

Most Toshiba tubes in the USA have Orion tubes in them, and they have a different curvature. If you find a full curve Toshiba set and it has an orion tube, it will not fit.


You have to rear mount and offset it to fit too. This will not fit properly in the Windy 2, since the bezel is form fitted for an exact curvature.

That tube has great colors but very soft scanlines.
This tube is similar to what I got as it most likely has a deflection angle of 110°. I plan on using these for a chassis probably meant for a curved tube (a K7400/TC-L292 since I am almost considering these two to be clones). These specific tubes I will use for Motocross Go because I will take a different approach for my Time Crisis 2 (outright replacing the monitors with probably MS9s).

Because the flat Orion yokes I have are in the horizontal inductance range of a CGA res monitor, I may as well try the original yokes.
This tube is similar to what I got as it most likely has a deflection angle of 110°. I plan on using these for a chassis probably meant for a curved tube (a K7400/TC-L292 since I am almost considering these two to be clones). These specific tubes I will use for Motocross Go because I will take a different approach for my Time Crisis 2 (outright replacing the monitors with probably MS9s).

Because the flat Orion yokes I have are in the horizontal inductance range of a CGA res monitor, I may as well try the original yokes.

I think I should give this TV away then. I want the curve to be a perfect match.

I need to see a crosshatch screen ;)

Some CPS3 crosshatch action for ya.

I have some work to do with the yoke positioning, but it does not look like this tube needs convergence rings at all. When I opened up the TV set, it had no convergence rings.

So I opened up the second toshiba set. A68k tube, bad news, fully bonded yoke that isn’t coming off. Off to the recycle center.

I did make some progress on the other tube I was having trouble with. The issues I was having is related to the yoke position, I’ll have to continue to play with it.
I am having trouble with my MS9 swap as well. The rear curve of the Phillips tube (Magnavox) tv is too deep. If I move the yoke in as far as it can go, I get purity issues. If I move it back, the RGB beams begin to separate into something like the Trinitron logo. There is a tiny spot on the neck where the yoke can sit, and even then there are purity issues in the corners as shown in the last pic, plus the convergence isn't great. Also, the back curve prevents the chassis from sitting in the tray and even if I solve the purity/convergence/geometry issues, I have to do some mods to the frame so the chassis can be fastened down. I'll keep messing with it, but it looks like the search continues.
I am having trouble with my MS9 swap as well. The rear curve of the Phillips tube (Magnavox) tv is too deep. If I move the yoke in as far as it can go, I get purity issues. If I move it back, the RGB beams begin to separate into something like the Trinitron logo. There is a tiny spot on the neck where the yoke can sit, and even then there are purity issues in the corners as shown in the last pic, plus the convergence isn't great. Also, the back curve prevents the chassis from sitting in the tray and even if I solve the purity/convergence/geometry issues, I have to do some mods to the frame so the chassis can be fastened down. I'll keep messing with it, but it looks like the search continues.
I had the same issue with the PF swap. There should be some room to tilt the yoke and apply wedges. On that tube there was no room. 2/3 of the tubes I experimented with are off to the recycle bin.
Picked up another 27” tube and it’s yet another Blast City fitment compatible tube. No MS8/9 compatible tube yet. I have like 5 now. 1st World problems.

Swooped up this MS2930 yoke along with convergence rings. Will use it to test out if any of these 4-6 screen fitment compatible tubes that I have will actually work with a Nanao MS2933 chassis and frame. If not, off to the recycle center these go as they take up a lot of space. I certainly could have just pulled the yoke off my Net City MS2933 monitor, but I didn't want to have to go through the hassle of reconvergence and realignment with the MS2933 as a result of my experiementation. Will start with the M-Grade tubes as those are of higher quality. Will measure yoke specs first too in hopes that one of the native yokes are compatible. I have some connectors handy to reterminate yoke, degauss coil, and dag strap connections ready to go too.

Also, picked up another 27" TV that is a screen curve fitment candidate for the MS8/9. Doesn't look anymore promising than the last tube though. Looks pretty much the same from the back actually, so I will have fitment issues with mounting the chassis. This tube does have convergence rings on it, which is good. Though the readings on the yoke don't match the MS8/9 yoke readings, I am going slap on the MS9 chassis on it anyway and and hope for lightning to strike.

And, I found a 24" TV. Will crack it open and see what size the tube is. I am thinking that amounts to an A59xxxxxx tube? I can't think for the life of me what monitor/cab would use a tube of that size here. Does anyone know? Aero City MS8-26 tubes are A63xxxxxxx which is just a US 25" TV; same size as a 25" WG K7000 (I think).
A59 is definitely common in arcade cabs. I bet someone would love to take that off your hands if it is indeed that size.

GrandAm, Madonna, Pony Mk III, a bunch of different Neos, Canary, etc

However, it could also be A60, which is useless. Panasonic and Toshiba both had TV sets with 60cm tubes.
Almost took it to the recycle center this morning. Time to crack it open then!
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So what's the call on convergence rings?
  • Swap the convergence rings along with the yoke from the arcade monitor to the donor tube?
  • Use the convergence rings from the donor tube?
I've heard it is best to use the convergence rings from the donor tube.