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IC card reader, S-conv, C-Conv, EXcard help!


Jun 22, 2020
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I recently picked up this unit from @ArcSys101 and I love it!

It came with a card reader setup but I'm getting mixed results on different games.

I've got a card reader to s-conv to C-Conv to EXcard board and it's a lot to wrap my head around!

Pictures are of the SConv setup, then card reader then the kick harness I'm piggy backing off for gnd a 5v, then plug into c-conv and into the unit in my blast city. Image 1 is the result from test menu on Tekken 5 and DR, just doesn't pick up the card reader at all. Super dragon ball z does pick it up though (although I only have Tekken cards to test with so it says not title card). Tekken 5 doesn't get passed "good morning", just gives a black screen but I understand that's because the card reader is undetected from other threads.

Also the card holder isn't locking the card in, which seems to suggest it isn't getting power but there may be something else going on.

Any ideas? Any other pictures you need let me know!


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perhaps you have some loose connections (wiring) or an issue with voltage. I found a link for the card reader manual:https://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/images/b/be/Tekken_5_Card_Reader_Kit.pdf

Just remember that Japanese Tekken.Net cards will not work on American/Export versions of the game and the export/American cards won’t work on the Japanese version of the game.
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Hmm voltage is an interesting one I hadn't considered that yet. I know my 12v is on the lower end but I'll have to check 5v, that might explain it working one game but not another.

I've picked up some export cards for use on Tekken 5 export version so I know Tekken 5DR JP wouldn't work with them. I need to try find some Super Dragon Ball Z cards but they're a challenge.

Thanks Franco :)
Hey Chacal - thanks for that.

It's crazy how much easier it looks without the extra C-Conv board for power and with that power cable extension instead!

So little documentation online for the C-conv, I'm determined to get it going and document it here for future reference!
12v shouldn’t be an issue on the system but the system is pretty picky on the 5v rail. Maybe try to power the card reader separately?
12v shouldn’t be an issue on the system but the system is pretty picky on the 5v rail. Maybe try to power the card reader separately?
Power directly to card reader was a brilliant idea, I've been able to power the card reader solenoid directly and that works, so obviously it's not getting power through for some reason.

I've checked that rail and the 5v is a bit low, I've ran it via a separate sun PSU but still not dice. Also now getting no card reader on dragon ball either so not sure why... I have a separate S-Conv but that doesn't make a difference, I've checked the pins on both and am getting 5.2v specifically. Hmmm.
I'm back again, 6 months on and I've finally had the heart to look back into this.

I picked up some extra card readers, HW210s instead of the HW211 that I had an I can get something working but inconsistently. I have drawn a diagram of what I have going and where I am pulling the power from and into what. If I don't power the solenoid directly, it doesn't trigger at all so I assume that is correct?

Now... going to Tekken 5.1's Card options screen with a card plugged in, I can occasionally see the card serial number being read. However, it's missing the "press 1 for read/write test"? Any ideas what might be causing that?

I say occasionally, because immediately after that if I exit and go back into the same card options screen, the R/W then shows as 'not found' again, and will likely be the case until I restart the system now. Even if I go back out to the game, after the card has been read successfully for the first time, the game does not register the card readers and I'm still stuck.

I've attached a few more photos of my terrible set up for reference (I'll try sort out proper harnesses for this when I have a working set up) but any advice or perhaps I need more power to something else that isn't currently getting any?

Thanks in advance!


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