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May 9, 2023
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Hi all, I have an opportunity to get a full HotD2 cab and was wondering if anyone has any kind of confirmation on whether the cart on its early mobo can be swapped out for later NAOMI releases. I've found a lot of threads about the compatability of the HotD2 cart on later NAOMIs, but not the inverse. I've also seen that with a GD-ROM or netdimm setup tailored to it, the other IR gun games will work with it, so I'm not worried about those sorts of setups right now.

Any and all info would be super appreciated, thanks so much!
yes you can run on any NAOMI 1 mobo so long as you install the correct BIOS for HOTD2
yes you can run on any NAOMI 1 mobo so long as you install the correct BIOS for HOTD2
Thanks for the reply, I realized I worded it rather confusingly.
I'm mostly wondering if I could take say, a Power Stone cartridge and put that onto the HotD2 NAOMI motherboard in place of the HotD2 cartridge (jamma/button setup changes aside), or if that's just not possible for whatever reason

I'd assume it might take a BIOS change to a later NAOMI BIOS too, since HotD2 does have it's own unique BIOS like you'd said
you are correct. the HOTD2 NAOMI should work with those other games so long as you swap to a newer bios