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Jul 7, 2023
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I recently joined the site, saw the introductions section, and it seemed like the rightful place to start.

I have been a console gamer for decades now. I have just now started researching the arcade pcb area and intend to start building my library.

My primary areas of interest currently are the Capcom CPS1 and Capcom CPS2.

I have been reading various posts on the site and have found them quite informative. In particular, I would like to thank twistedsymphony and other contributors to the CPS1 Multi donor board thread as it enabled me to get a better understanding of what to look for and what to avoid.

As my user name implies, I have several questions and will be reaching out as appropriate to gather some additional information.

Thank you for your time.
Welcome! You've come to the right place, CPS1&2 get plenty of love here. Have any favorite games?
Appreciate it.

All time favorite game is Ghouls 'n Ghosts - so there is a CPS-1 system connection there. I have an all original long board version. If I can find an all original Daimakaimura I would consider purchasing that as well. Otherwise, I am a fan of many other CPS-1 one games but am interested in going the Multi route to save space. This has motivated my research into the different A & C boards that are compatible with the multi.
Welcome , Willow is a memorable game to me and 3 wonders , since now my old Pals really in taking care of kids maybe left happy younger days memories with them