I think in big companies many decisions are made by a PHB (Pointy Haired Boss), i.e. someone who doesn't really understand the product, doesn't really understand the development process, and doesn't really understand the advantages and disadvantages of different strategies, but is somehow in a position of making all decisions. The process could be "Xbox is a console, we have a console version, let's use that."One thing I didn’t realise is that pretty much every modern GA release is emulating the Genesis port. Even as late as 2007 (Xbox arcade) when a “perfect” arcade original port would have easily been possible under emulation, still reheating the Genesis version. At first this was just lazy product development but it might also be a rights issue, maybe music? One of the reasons Shinobi never got a really accurate home release was depictions of Marilyn Munroe and likeness of Spider-Man. Maybe something similar?
I think most of us could patch out the Andy Warhol or Spiderman references in an afternoon, but somehow things like this are considered a deal breaker. :shrug: Play it in Mame or Mister, and Sega doesn't get our money.
Edit: If they are even aware that the arcade version of GA exists.
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