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Awesome, thanks guys! I will go ahead and order the chips.

I unfortunately bought a second Top3000 after havinv the money for the first refunded. The second one worked until I tried to burn my first chip. It then let out a HUGE spark died. Bastard paypal sided with the seller because I "altered or repaired the product". So, back to buyicnow I go to have the stuff burnt.

I am still trying to get an explanation out of paypal! The piece of shit seller on aliexpress obviously lied, I am incredibly pissed off as $200 is not something I can afford to waste! I will NOT be buying a third Top3000! I am quite scared of wasting money on another programmer to be honest. I was planning on the T56 programmer or even the 610P something that costs over $500. Now, I am too worried about buying one. Yet I NEED one! I have had the S16B Multi since November and still cannot use it ;(

Oh, also, just to put the icing on my lovely cake, the burnt CD-R the p.o.s seller included, Top All ver.90, contained a wonderfully nasty virus!! This is all fine by paypal it seems. I just cannot win.
Hola amigos. Estoy intentando hacer esta conversión de Osman pero tengo el siguiente problema. Este pcb originalmente parece ser del Party Time Game y el pcb fue convertido a Joe & Mac Returns funcionando sin problemas, pero cuando quemé todos los chips con la información de Osman me sale esta imagen en pantalla, ya verifica todos los chips y el La información es correcta, pero veo que el chip pal con ubicación 5C tiene la información de joe & mac Devuelve, estaba intentando buscar el archivo pal o gal de Osman o Cannon Dancer en la página Jammarcade.net pero cuando intento al descargarlo la pagina se reinicia o vuelve a una pestaña anterior y solo pasa con los archivos osman, cannon Dancer y Party time 2, alguien podría ayudarme a conseguir el archivo con ubicación C5 para este tablero que originalmente pensé que era Party Time ? ¿Y sabes si el problema en la pantalla se debe a ese chip gal?


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Hello friends. I am trying to do this Osman conversion but I have the following problem. This pcb originally seems to be the Party Time Game and the pcb was converted to Joe & Mac Returns working without problems, but when I burned all the chips with Osman's information I have this image on the screen, it already verifies all the chips and the The information is correct, but I see that the pal chip with location 5C has the information of joe & mac Returns, I was trying to search for the pal or gal file of Osman or Cannon Dancer on the Jammarcade.net page but when I try to download it the page it restarts or goes back to a previous tab and it only happens with the osman, cannon Dancer and Party time 2 files, could someone help me get the file with location C5 for this board that I originally thought was Party Time? And do you know if the problem on the screen is due to that gal chip?
Wrong image? You uploaded a photo of Joe&Mac returns playing on the pcb, which would mean you didn't switch any roms
The image I uploaded is just a sample that the game was working correctly and I did replace all the roms but I think the problem is in the gal chip with location 5C
Wrong image? You uploaded a photo of Joe&Mac returns playing on the pcb, which would mean you didn't switch any roms
Weird, they don't load for me either now. Hopefully someone still has the files.
Weird, they don't load for me either now. Hopefully someone still has the files.
If it is very rare that precisely that file cannot be downloaded.
It seems that our friend @caius was the one who converted and uploaded the file
Thank you very much friend, I already tested the file and it works wonderfully, that was the problem with the pcb, now I am going to burn the eprom 93c46 that I forgot to burn as swapbyte.
I hope the file on the jammarcade.net page is repaired