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Games with Issues

I don't know who this person is but I may try that. I was mainly hoping people on this forum would be able to help or at least come forward with the same issue me and another user are having.
in fact sir , they gives you some suggestions but you tell your custom mvs have the bios soldered instead socketed ... if you are in NY , try to contact Jose and i'm sure he can help you
I didn't fully get what you were saying in the beginning of the sentence but I get you're telling me that he can be of help so I'll try to reach his user profile on this forum as I don't have a Twitter account. I do hope other people come forward aside from me and the other user if I can't find a solution with Jose. I'll be sure to add any update if Jose does help find a solution
Maybe you have an facebook account . if so , you can try to reach him there too. Or maybe @avramce can help you too , but he is from Washington ! In your place i'll try to find help local first and if i can't get any help local , maybe other guys from forum can jump with something you must try
@Kross you are using a consolized motherboard. We don't know what has been done and how. This cart requires a bit more power than an original cart. There can be peaks of power, where that PSU that you have is not enough. On the top of that, latest version of UNIBIOS 4 has had some issues for a very few users.
@Kross you are using a consolized motherboard. We don't know what has been done and how. This cart requires a bit more power than an original cart. There can be peaks of power, where that PSU that you have is not enough. On the top of that, latest version of UNIBIOS 4 has had some issues for a very few users.

I rephrase the question. Is there anyone with Unibios 4 and Darksoft Catridge who has not experienced glitches, resets or "Exception Error Handling" screenshots in a general and continuous way when playing?
I would expect some issues if using unibios. We don't promise 100% compatibility with unibios and we can't. We don't communicate with the author. We have a history with him that prevents it. We do, however, try to find the problem and fix it when reported. Unfortunately I doubt we will ever have 100% compatibility with unibios and we focus our energy on original bios. Unibios changes the way the system runs so trying to fix some problems is basically trying to hack a hack.
That sucks as I didn't have a choice about what bios to have when purchasing my consolized system but ok I can understand that my 4.0 version may be the culprit. But what about fgto79 and yagamisan? They have original bios with the same issue?
There’s so many variants of the Neo Geo base hardware. When you couple that with the different BIOS chips and various user environments there’s bound to be issues.

Maybe more-so with dodgy consolizations, modded systems, boards with faulty or failing components, etc.

I’ve had way more issues using the Universe BIOS than the stock BIOS FWIW. Most of the stuff you’d want to do with the Universe BIOS on the multicart is already in its menu.

Universe BIOS throws errors for me on multi and regular carts that I don’t get using a stock BIOS.
I do get that variables can result in a working game one person with a stock bios has and the same non working game with someone with the same stock bios because of other variants to their consolized motherboard whether its motherboard version, voltage, and other things I don't understand. It sucks to be the niche person with this issue but honestly this multi Cart has given me more games I want to play than the price it would cost to own them by a significant margin but it does suck that one of my favorite games I can't play with MY console and probably the 4.0 unibios installed. You know, despite the other users stating that the game still crashes with the stock bios for them, I still feel compelled to remove my unibios 4.0 with a bios that's more compatible with the multicart I know you sent me a link to bios chips I can buy but can you or anyone recommend the most compatible bios for the Dark soft Multi?
There’s so many variants of the Neo Geo base hardware. When you couple that with the different BIOS chips and various user environments there’s bound to be issues.

Maybe more-so with dodgy consolizations, modded systems, boards with faulty or failing components, etc.

I’ve had way more issues using the Universe BIOS than the stock BIOS FWIW. Most of the stuff you’d want to do with the Universe BIOS on the multicart is already in its menu.

Universe BIOS throws errors for me on multi and regular carts that I don’t get using a stock BIOS.
You're absolutely right about the Dark soft menu giving you similar unibios options too. I personally don't care if I have unibios or not just want to play my games just like in the arcade so the extra bells and whistles of unibios I can live without if it's causing issues with some games. of course I also understand that if I switch my bios to a bios most compatible with the DarkSoft Cart I still might have issues, but doing something that MIGHT fix it is better than doing nothing that won't. I was just hoping for a software fix down the line so I wouldn't have to physically modify the console....you know what guys I actually have another mv1c board unmodified just sitting around. And my system is a supergun variant of the CBOX so I could hook up my supergun to the raw board with it's stock bios and see if that changes my situation. I mean if it doesn't crash with the stock bios then it'll get me resolve to change my unibios in the CBOX. I guess I'll give it a try if something like what I said even works
Ok so I did it. But unfortunately during gameplay the game will instantly reset itself (as opposed to throwing an error code) at random during gameplay. I haven't seen it reset itself during attract mode but again did so twice during gameplay. Just like the unibios motherboard, I captured video of the crash. I hit the service button on my super gun to see what bios I'm running and you can see for yourself it's actually asia /s3 version.6 (whatever that means) I can't upload the 23 second video of the crash as it's too big for the forum and since it instantly resets I can't take a picture of it obviously but here's pictures of the setup. even if you guys can help me specifically this kind of information has to be helpful in general right?


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I even pushed the voltage to 5.3 to no avail with stock bios I just don't get it.


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Ok. Good info. Which games are the resets happening on?
I've only ever been focused on samurai shodown 3 crashing that's why I started posting....I'm not sure if you saw my post with pictures before but I took pics of my cbox inside and unibios and crash on uni bios. I'll reupload them.


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How thirsty can the Multi Cart get when it comes to voltage? I ask because my potentiometer can only go as high as 5.34 when measured on pin 1 and 30 with the supergun. I guess I don't need to actually measure it with a volt meter built to the supergun itself but still I was told voltage might be a problem. My psu outputs 12 volts 8A but obviously is controlled by the CBOX to 5 volts. Here's a picture of the PSU


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The multi wants 5.0000v on its 5v chips like all boards do. If you measure ahead of the multi there may be some drop in voltage by the time it reaches the multi, which is why some people put their voltage at higher than 5v. They’re measuring, say, 5.08v on the jamma edge, and assuming .08v drop between the edge and the multi. it’s not practical either to put your multimeter right on the multi.

get a real multimeter, don’t trust a voltmeter unless you’ve calibrated it (there’s a little wheel on the backside). Measure pins 1 and 3. 1,2 are ground. 3,4 are +5v. Measure while the pcb is plugged in and on, putting its load on the power supply.

Nothing is perfect, large old boards have perhaps even larger voltage drop, so sometimes you find a balance. Also the chips are tolerant to some extent. But no 5v chip wants 5.3v for very long.
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I have already measured it with a real multi meter as stated before on pins 1 and 30 of the cart slot. my measurements weren't on the jamma itself. But even still if the cart only needs an even 5 volts and I've crashed at 5, 5.1,5.2 and 5.3, then voltage seems like not the issue since I have plenty to give it (and like you said I obviously don't want to give my board anymore than 5.1 Volts) but I was told on this forum that the multi needs a bit more power than what my psu can provide (despite not knowing what my psu can provide in the first place, which clearly is more than enough since you said it only needs 5) so again measuring at the cart slot before the cart inserted I've crashed at said varying voltages. It would appear that voltage isn't the issue based on your answer. Unless I'm missing something? Genuinely, if there was something you said that went over my head I apologize. I'll upload another picture


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It's odd that I feel like I'm standing alone on this issue when I was piggybacking off of fgto79, yagamisan, and xaviersaverio in the first place that were reporting the same problems.
attract mode still crashes along with gameplay at random times😞
Also, in case Someone didn't see before, I have the actual original cart and I experience no problems with it be it voltage or bios


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Let me play around with samsho3 on my pcb. 5.3v at the JAMMA edge SHOULD provide enough to all chips on the pcb unless there are fancy lights or something taking a lot of power. You can always test the 5v at a chip. Opposite the jamma edge for accuracy.

I'm not doubting there is a problem on the cart causing the issue but I'm almost positive it would be a software issue if so. The resetting could be a bug in the code running. It could also be a power dip temporarily causing the cpu to not run. There are a ton of factors in Neo Geo that can cause these issues. Thats why it takes so much time to fix things sometimes. The test where you swapped the bios helped tremendously as it ruled out the unibios as the cause.

Give us time and we'll try to figure it out.