Recently picked up a secondhand Darksoft Multi and running into this issue with Super Dodgeball as well.Hello,
Super Dodge Ball exception error just after neogeo logo and start screen.
AES Neo-0 unibios 4.0.
On normal bios it’s resets automatically.
Worked on previous version.
Which BIOS do you have?Recently picked up a secondhand Darksoft Multi and running into this issue with Super Dodgeball as well.Hello,
Super Dodge Ball exception error just after neogeo logo and start screen.
AES Neo-0 unibios 4.0.
On normal bios it’s resets automatically.
Worked on previous version.
Did anyone resolve it?
My Multi is as follows:
Firmware revision 0x0491
Firmware build 0xa512
Top File build 0x7d3c
Menu build date 11/22/2019
Menu build time 22:10:59
Supported Games 238 out of 239
Detected hardware MVS
Can confirm this on AES as well, latest firmware and menu, original Japan BIOSProblem with Galaxy Fight, reboot on the attract mode after the title, and soon as you selected your character.
Latest mvs menu and firmware
Tested with mv2f unibios 4 and mv1fzs with stock bios sp s2 battery is ok,cleared back up ram,voltage 5.1 v underload.
Some games depending on the game and mode selected, will take the region configuration from the Options in the menu or just from another position in memory.System config on the menu is set to AES/USA, but Street Hoop/Street Slam/Dunk Dream plays in Japanese mode anyway
I'm so glad someone else pointed this out about samurai showdown 3 because for the longest I thought I had a bad cartridge or something. My favorite version and I can't play it because of the exact error of exception error in attract mode and randomly during gameplay. I really hope you guys can figure out the problem with it and the others.Samurai Shodown 3 (both AES & MVS versions), Street Hoop and Galaxy Fight all display an Exception Error Handling screen during attract mode or in the middle of gameplay.