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Fighting Layer no longer Boots


Grand Master
Jan 17, 2020
Reaction score
Haven’t tested this for over a year. Was working perfectly, but now it no longer boots. Just black screen. Any suggestions on where to check first?

Swap the GP 15 top board with one from a tekken 3 to narrow it down.
I did this and unfortunately still blank.
Planning on recapping the board as I see some damage which wasn't there a year ago.

>I did this and unfortunately still blank.

Next job is checking the program roms / dumping them to check if the flash is corrupted.
If you swapped with a tekken the top board is not a problem.
>I did this and unfortunately still blank.

Next job is checking the program roms / dumping them to check if the flash is corrupted.
If you swapped with a tekken the top board is not a problem.
Not sure how to check the roms. I did recap the entire board and switched the fighting layer top board with the tekken 3 top board. I was able to play tekken 3, but the fighting layer board is still blank. It keeps flickering, unable to sync. No sound, no boot, just black.
I think the best thing to do here would be swap the roms onto another system 12 known working board if you cannot dump them.

There is program rom and sound rom , along with the romboard to change.
This will be a very easy job for him compared to some of those nasty CPS3's and crazy mods he's been doing lately!

I would also give the board a good visual inspection for damage / dry joints on the customs etc before going ahead with the romswap but by the sounds of things you already did that.