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Dodonpachi 2 - Bee Storm troubleshooting

This is the current version:
PartNo FN_U14;
Date 11/10/2021;
Revision 01;
Designer Fluffy;
Company None;
Assembly None;
Location None;
Device g22v10;
Name FN_U14;

/* Inputs */
Pin 1 = i0;
Pin 2 = TA18;
Pin 3 = TA19;
Pin 4 = TA20;
Pin 5 = TA21;
Pin 6 = TA22;
Pin 7 = i6;
Pin 8 = U20_OE;
Pin 9 = i8;
Pin 10 = U15_Pin_8;
Pin 11 = i10;
Pin 13 = i11;

/* Outputs */
Pin 14 = INT_T_ROM_OE;
Pin 15 = T_ROM_OE;
Pin 16 = I_TA18;
Pin 17 = I_TA19;
Pin 18 = I_TA20;
Pin 19 = I_TA21;
Pin 20 = o6;
Pin 21 = U15_Pin_7;
Pin 22 = o8;
Pin 23 = o9;

/* Logic */
INT_T_ROM_OE = TA20 # TA22 # (TA18 & TA19) # TA21;
T_ROM_OE = (TA18 & TA19 & TA22) # (!TA19 & !TA20 & !TA21 & !TA22) # (TA20 & TA22) # (!TA18 & !TA20 & !TA21 & !TA22) # (TA21 & TA22);
I_TA18 = !TA18;
I_TA19 = (!TA18 & TA19) # (TA18 & !TA19);
I_TA20 = (!TA18 & !TA20) # (TA18 & TA19 & TA20) # (!TA19 & !TA20);
I_TA21 = (!TA18 & !TA20 & !TA21) # (TA20 & TA21) # (!TA19 & !TA20 & !TA21) # (TA18 & TA19 & TA21);

o6 = U15_Pin_8;
U15_Pin_7 = 'b'0;
o8 = !i6 # (!i0 & !TA18 & !TA19 & !TA20 & !TA21 & !TA22);
o9 = U20_OE;
The tile ROM part seems to be correct, and it shouldn't break the ASIC communication, the rest is unknown. I think that a tri-state or input pin should read as '1' in the programmer.
I'll have to find some time to trace a bit more of the schematic...

Edit: Disconnected pin 1/clk, which makes o8 constant 1... so maybe that is a latch?
Edit: Just to mention, the source code above matches the original GAL 100% when dumped as an EPROM, though it doesn't work... I tried turning o8 into a latch, for i6, though it doesn't match the simulation - though the simulator in WinCUPL seems to be a bit poo, so I'll have to do more tests
Edit: Peeled the label off the original U14, it is a ATF22v10C-15PC. I don't remember any features it supports over plain GAL 22V10, though I'll have to check again.
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Nice so see some progress! I had to check this post from the beginning and ofc it was that u14 I had the problem too :cursing:
Just tinkered with it a bit more, you get matching waveforms with
Pin 22 = !o8;
o8.AR = !i6;
o8.SP = i6;
/* o8 = !i6 # (!i0 & !TA18 & !TA19 & !TA20 & !TA21 & !TA22); */
... though the game still complains about an ASIC error. I've got an alternative rig using a small micro controller that should be able to detect more features, though so far I didn't have the time to write the software for that.
Following up from this thread, here are pld files for u14 and u15 that should work. They were created by converting a JED dump of the PEEL PLDs back into WinCUPL source code.

Unfortunately I found only a single Lattice 22V10 in my stash (a lot of my things are still packed away), so I was unable to test them both at the same time.

You NEED to use a Lattice GAL22V10. While ATF22V10 are readily available, not all programmers can write the last fuse that controls power-down mode. (My Top 3000 can't.)

I didn't have a time to pretty up the source code, but they seem to work.


Awesome! Need to find that game somewhere and test these. I might still have those chips somewhere (I have moved since this thread started :D)!
Quick test with two "new" Lattice GAL22v10D worked - though I only tested up to the title screen. Any remaining problems should be simple to resolve, though. The problem was the ASIC logic in U14.
Awesome! Need to find that game somewhere and test these. I might still have those chips somewhere (I have moved since this thread started :D)!
I have moved as well, a lot of my tools are still boxed, and limited desk space requires packing another project away before testing stuff.
I found the game cartrdige and chips. I have my Wellon ready connected to my PC, just need to find some time to actually burn the chips and test them. I'll let you know how it went, probably tomorrow!
Write those .jed files to my chips


So those dumps work and now the game boots up! Only thing that still is broken on my cartridge is that graphics glitch a bit


But this can be another problem? Perhaps EPROM is corrupted or something? Anyways, thanks for the dump!
Yes, of course, as long as you include the source code as well, and mention they were reverse-engineered from CoolFox' dump.

I see the source code for U14 on Post 61 in this thread, but I'm not seeing the source for U15 anywhere.