The B Board has been dead for about 2 years. It was one I messed up a battery change on by not having a good solder on the new battery, and accidentally killed it. Sound had no issue when the board was working back then.Was the sound working on this b board before your install? It’s a pain but if I was totally stuck I would reinstall the original roms (or a Phoenix or avalaunch set) to see if it was the multi kit or my B board. I know it’s not fun to keep pulling that apart so use it as last resort.
Check the audio right out of the cps2 using an rca cable like @Yagamisan suggested above. I bet it’s still corrupted but you can rule out your cab / amp / speakers that way.
Anyway it’s not a bad idea to confirm voltages, sounds like you have a multimeter already. Audio would probably be the 12v rail but it’s probably fine even if it’s not exactly 12v. I don’t think this is a voltage issue though.
I've had similar sound issues when the A and B aren't seated correctly or there is a bent pin
I've also had similar issues when there is a jumper wire installed for the PAL on a rev 7 board that doesn't need one
If we can get some photos that will help
I will take pics.
Just a question in the meantime... I saw another thread where you @xodaraP replied that Rev 7 boards don't need jumpers changed. The board I'm using is a Rev 7 and the jumpers were not correct. Is that normal? Should I have left the jumpers ass they were?
I followed that original instruction video. Here are pics. I put the solder blob on 1, 4, 5, and I think 9 and 11. The rest were already set is this the correct set up or are rev 7 boards different?Not to sound silly, but you're not getting open and closed jumpers confused, and inadvertently doing it in reverse?
Meter out JP4 - it looks like it might be cut