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DECO Multigame


Staff member
Jun 12, 2015
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I promised Mitsurugi and Mr. Woods that I'll make a DECO Multigame system to replace those nasty tiny cassettes.

I'll post all the information as the project advances, over here. If you have any questions or interested, please post here.
Still interested, as are many others!!!!
Mr Wood.
I want it as badly as you do. Also, I would like to sell this box of pcbs and get it out of my way per our deal. :P

This is actually getting close. Darksoft promised to finally have this done before MVS work gets underway and he has made good progress recently.
Sweet! I've sorta wanted one of these for a while! Here's one someone else did ~8 years ago:


My main reason for wanting one was for Graplop, but the version of the game I want does not seem widely available? Most videos of the game I see are wrong version. This is the version I want:


Which does actually match the arcade flyer:

The reason this came about is because I bought a DECO CT from craigslist and I was never able to source ANY working dongle and cassette combo. Then I tried to buy a Widel kit. I tried to contact him for well over a year. At one point he even sent out an email saying he had a bunch of interest and would mosy likely do one more run. I threw my hat into the ring, he said he would be in touch, and then nothing. It's been two or three years since then.

Alejandro donated a pcb set for Darksoft to work with and its been slow but looks like we might see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

This will be somewhat based on how Widel's kit works but we should be able to add most games that were not on his original kit.
I'd never heard of the DECO system before... wow a spectrum stylee arcade system :s
I googled it a bit and found this 'videodrome' mascot - long live the new flesh ;)

I myself have just purchased a DECO CT Burgetime that is missing the cassette and have been doing research on tracking down cassettes, a full kit or the Widel multi-game mod. Sadly, as others have experienced, I have had little luck so far. A member on KLOV posted this thread in my inquiry there about Deco games. Please let me know as you continue to move forward with this project as I am VERY interested. Also, if anyone has current contact info for Widel and is willing to share that, please let me know.

While I await the completion of this project, I've Been trouble shooting my Deco CT and have a few things I need to figure out. Right now I am not getting any proper picture on the screen. Trying to figure out whether I have the correct information on the video out (which pins go to which video input:Red, Blue, Green, Ground and VSync).

If I wire the Vsync feed as indicated in the manual that I was able to track down, I get this pattern on the screen

If I reverse the wire order on the VSync feed, I get this pattern:

Also trying to figure out if it matters which slots in the MB the boards are hooked into. Do you have a four slot MB with 3 boards? If so, which slots are they connected to? Also, can you confirm what pin-outs you are using on the video sync board?
SUCCESS! I disconnected all board connections, reseated the boards, reconnected the ribbon cables and put the vsync pins in the order listed above. THIS is what I get!


Thanks for all of the help!

Now I just need to get my hands on either a working BT tape or a full kit (tape & security dongle) for another game. That is until the new multigame board comes out from Darksoft. So stoked right now!
I've been bugging Darksoft about this for two and a half years. It makes me LOL to see others bugging him now also! :D