It's for free and you can download it here: is that game? Is it free or you need to purchase it?
It's for free and you can download it here: is that game? Is it free or you need to purchase it? console related error code are listed here.I tried with ne old one, but the issue is still present
I have additional issues: if i tunr on the console without any cart inside, pushing A+B+C in order to clean nVram, it does't happen anything, i have a white screen. And if i try to use an original cart (Kraut Busters), the game doesn't boot, i still have a white screen.
I don't know if all those issues are related each others...for sure everything worked perfectly but it is about more than one year that i don't turn on the console...
Currently this is my sd cart: if i want to update again the menu: before to update the menu, is it better to delete some files?
Kraut buster is not an original cart. It uses a special chip inside for encryption that sucks a lot of power. Use an original MVS game, a game released by SNK itself.yes i tried an original cart, Kraut Busters, and it doens't boot, white screen...
iok...i will send it to check and repair... in ordert to correcly update again the menu, is it better i delete sole files currently present on my sd card? I send you the picture above.
Re-apply the firmware again and make sure it’s the MVS firmware and not the AES firmware.After a firmware update my friend's darksoft MVS cart is doing this:
Exactly my thought.Re-apply the firmware again and make sure it’s the MVS firmware and not the AES firmware.