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Hello @Darksoft, a friend of mine on the french NGS forum has bricked his cartridge by following your how to guide provided on the first page.

It’s said : If you are updating several of them, you should update the file flash.img first, then the rest

that’s what he did, first, just trying to update the img.

Can i suggest you to modify the provided instructions according to the new process where you place all the files at once on the update folder, even with the menu subfolder.

it will avoid people some pain and headaches and a return to you for servicing.
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It’s said : If you are updating several of them, you should update the file flash.img first, then the rest
No that was the "old" way, today you stick ALL update files into the sd:\update directory, power on and just let the cart do its work.
I've flashed almost every firmware ever released, beta or otherwise and I've never perma-bricked.

Have your friend try this complete/older package, see if it resurrects his cart.
Expand ALL files to the update directory, power on and let the cart sit.
Hi Jassin000

cart sent to Darksoft this morning ;) In fact I’ve tried from the oldest one to the newest with Fanfangus, each time flash.bin only upgraded and no cache for menu on the sd root, then white screen no menu each startup Strange..

I don’t try the whole all package in a single block, i didn’t know theses one exist. I don’t know perhaps the menu in cart is not up to date and white screen is the result of missing old menu ? Difficult to say with no message, perhaps an mini lcd screen on cart with status will be great ?! (like dell servers ;) )
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Hi guys, thank you for all the updates and support to this fantastic cart :)
Do you plan to release an update in order to be able to run also the new rom dump of Samurai Shodown V Perfect?

Not strictly cart related, but during game flashing it failed so I had to turn MVS off.
Then I updated the cart to latest fw (I was on the previous one still) and now it works on my other MVS, but the first MVS is stuck on pink screen on startup (see pic).
Power supply is ok, video cable is ok.
It happened a few months ago once, but then it got away, I think by itself, but now it is stuck.

Tried to remove from power outlet and power cycle the switch a few times, but no effect.

Any ideas?



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What happens if you back to previous Firmware? is working still? in which MVS? Old or new?
Lastest firmware and proper MVS+supergun: everything works.

It's my CMVS (the one where flashing failed) that is stuck on pink screen with and without cart, so I don't think the cart is the problem, but maybe someone knows what it could be\how to unstuck. ^^'
Tried to "blind" clear NVRAM too, but no effect
It's my CMVS (the one where flashing failed) that is stuck on pink screen with and without cart, so I don't think the cart is the problem, but maybe someone knows what it could be\how to unstuck. ^^'

Tried to "blind" clear NVRAM too, but no effect
I don't think it's stuck but rather failed on you.
I'm starting to think so too.
Tried to clean Backup RAM via deep switch, no result.
Is the the board to trash or is it fixable?
Meanwhile I got errors during flashing on the other MVS too.
I got the same problem around a yer ago, but october fw seemed to solve it. Now it's back (I've very little time to play and extensively testing, unfortunately).
Maybe the cart is defective; voltages or stuff?

I'm sending the cart back to the seller to cross test it in a couple of weeks.