As long as you remove the resistor to kill the charging circuit that’s fine
Super good info. Thanks for sharing.I have recently been doing some repairs on some 4 slot boards and had a board where the multi had major sound issues on KoF98 and freezing/rebooting along with graphics glitches on Pulstar
The board had a backup RAM fault and this has been replaced, but I also did a full recap while it was on the bench
I have now had the multi running KoF98 for about 2 hours and Pulstar about the same with all 4 slots populated (multi in slot 1 with Thrash Rally, Zed Blade and Metal Slug 2 populating the other slots)
Post recap - it has had no issues whatsoever. I changed between games and went back into the menu to load different games to try and break it and it’s still going
tl;dr if you haven’t, even if you don’t think it needs it - recap your board and see if it helps with issues with the multi cart
You do not save states in the gameHow do you save game states in game? I feel
Like missed a step somewhere.
And maybe add definitve names for the recently released homebrews like Shinobi and GoldenAxeI will write it down for next Menu update.
lower the voltage more, down to 4.7 even slowly in small steps and see how it goes.I'm trying the multi mvs but I have an issue with sound of metal slug. The mobo is a mv1fz single slot with original bios and the audio suddenly disappears. I tried 3 different micro sd samsung 16 gb but the problem persists. The voltage on the board is 4.95 v. Do you have any suggestions?
Yes, that's correct, they come with the latest firm.I thought that since it is the latest batch the firmware was already updated.