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CPS3 Issue [95682A-3] - Video Output Issue (Fuzzy Color Only) - Any help appreciated


Mar 8, 2024
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hi Arcade Projects Community

I have become the proud owner of a CPS3, but I haven't been able to play because of a video output issue. I'm a bit out of my depth, would appreciate some help so I can get 3s working.

When I power on the board, the image is skewed. Pictures below.

When I first purchased the board, it would boot to the capcom CPSIII menu and I could get into Darksoft BIOS, it told me I had a SIMM issue and couldn't boot into 3s.
The color wasn't accurate (looked washed bluey/yellow), I checked out the Darksoft menu and did some SIMM tests.

Anyway.... after restarting the CPS3 twice, it doesn't get to the capcom CPSIII menu any more. All I get is the fuzzy video output. The output moves/shakes.
I can change the color of the fuzzy output using the RGB controls on the GBSC, but no readable output, no message saying bad SIMMs or Darksoft menu etc.

- CPS3 95682A-3
- DarkSoft BIOS cart
- SIMMS: 4x 128mb + 2x 64mb (third strike setup)
- SuperGun Mini [https://www.axunworks.com/product-p669501.html]
- GBSC Video Converter [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005110395565.html]
- Running CPS3 Jamma -> SuperGun -> VGA Output -> VGA to GBCS -> HDMI to computer monitor
- SCSI2SD Zulu SCSI RP2040 (Rabbit Hole Computing) [https://store.rabbitholecomputing.com/ZuluSCSI-RP2040-p/zuluscsi-rp2040.htm]
- DB15 to USB output (Controller)

I have tried:
- Re-seating all cables
- Re-seating all SIMMs and carts
- Re-seating SuperGun/Jamma
- Cleaning all the connectors with isopropyl
- With and without Cart
> Without cart/bios it just shows a black screen with very faint grey patches, not the colors like when cart/bios is plugged in
- With DarkSoft cart
- With official SF3NG cart
- Changing all the settings on the GBSC
- Replacing VGA cable (Supergun to GBSC)
- Replacing HDMI cable (Supergun to Screen)
- Changing the SCSI2SD Cable connection (tried cable up and cable down, rotated cable, etc). The LED is on indicating it's connected properly.
- GBSC Settings:
> RGBS Sync (On)
> RGBHV (On)
> Sync on Green (On)
> HDMI (On)
> Compatibility Mode (Off)
> RBGS Sync: Pressing this will flicker the image and make the pattern different, no real difference.
> I've tried all variations and can't get any other video output.
> Tried changing output to all resolutions, passthrough, etc. Currently on 480p and not-passthrough (as suggested by internet). Displays fuzzy output at 59hz RGB according to GBSC.
- SuperGun Settings:
> RGBS/hv output
> Buttons all switched to EXTERNAL (see pics, states this is right for CPS3)
> 'Service' and 'Test' buttons don't appear to do anything?
> RGB Adjuster just changes the brightness
- I noticed that I have the same video output issue with and WITHOUT the power jammer harness connected from the supergun to the CPS3.

Any ideas what I should be trying or checking to get this working? The board itself looks OK, no signs of blown caps or anything as far as I can tell.

The only things that stand out on the board to me is the resistor under the cart looks like an afterthought/mod, and a soldered cable under the board, they look like mods however I've been told these were added by capcom so are considered factory.

Pics attached. I tried to upload a video but not allowed (tried zip too, if a video helps let me know). Any help very much appreciated. Thanks.

- dsx


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Hello fellow kiwi! Great writeup, and looks like you have an awesome setup - not many other CPS3 fans in NZ, will do what I can to help.

I feel like I've seen that pink and purple screen somewhere before... let me see if I can remember where...
Lots going on in that setup, silly question but just checking, this setup does work with a different (non CPS3) arcade board plugged in, right?

Assuming yes and that the problem is in fact the CPS3 itself
Expected behaviour of a CPS3 board with a bad cart or no cart is to boot to garbage graphics, the garbage graphics should be different every time it boots.

Some pics here, these are all "I need a working security cart plugged in" before I can boot
These were taken in sequence about a minute apart, all on the same setup.

If we can get your setup reliably generating garbage graphics that's a good place to start. Suggest pulling the cart, rebooting a half dozen times or so, and taking a picture of the screen each time
Lots going on in that setup, silly question but just checking, this setup does work with a different (non CPS3) arcade board plugged in, right?

Assuming yes and that the problem is in fact the CPS3 itself
Expected behaviour of a CPS3 board with a bad cart or no cart is to boot to garbage graphics, the garbage graphics should be different every time it boots.

Some pics here, these are all "I need a working security cart plugged in" before I can boot
These were taken in sequence about a minute apart, all on the same setup.

If we can get your setup reliably generating garbage graphics that's a good place to start. Suggest pulling the cart, rebooting a half dozen times or so, and taking a picture of the screen each time
Thanks for the response.

"this setup does work with a different (non CPS3) arcade board plugged in, right?"
- I have not tried, I don't have any other arcade boards. In saying that, it WAS working until I rebooted it a couple of times. It booted to the CPSIII splash screen and I could get into Darksoft BIOS too so makes me think the supergun does work. (It's brand new from Axunworks).

"Expected behaviour of a CPS3 board with a bad cart or no cart is to boot to garbage graphics, the garbage graphics should be different every time it boots."
- Yep, each time it boots the fuzzy screen image does change. Note that I've tried with both a darksoft cart and sf3ng bios, both worked at first, but now I'm getting this fuzzy screen issue. The pins all look OK, no obvious sign of corrosion, etc.

"Suggest pulling the cart, rebooting a half dozen times or so, and taking a picture of the screen each time"
- Yep I've done this over 20 times now, the screen changes but it's nothing readable. Very similar to the purple fuzz in the attached pics (except it changes color and location on the screen). It's fuzzy so it does move a bit but no readable text etc. pic 1.jpg and 2.pg show this. Here are a couple of pics for three different boots. I did change the RGB sliders on the GBSC slightly, so that's why the color has changed.

Also - when I reboot this, I'm just pulling the power plug, is that my only option or is there a safer way I should be doing that?


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It seems weird that this issue is present regardless of the supergun kick harness being connected or not ?(

EDIT: OK I'm not sure what the harness is for exactly? appears the scsi2sd LED still turns on even with the harness not connected.
EDIT: Here is a quick video showing it: https://streamable.com/ejccwf
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That’s looking like “bad cart” error screen to me. One of my boards has a weird issue with the cart where if it’s inserted fully it gives that error, I had to insert it fully then back it off about a mm or so to get it working. So maybe give that a go.

To answer your question “is there a safer way to reboot?” Don’t know, have never used one of the superguns like yours, looks awesome tho!
I've tried that with both the sf3NG and the official Darksoft cart - tried moving the bios cart itself in the slot (up/down a few mm's) but still the same issue :(
Just watched the video, I'm thinking this is a problem with the setup, not with the board.

Hopefully some folks with more experienced with the Axunworks stuff and/or GBSC can give an opinion
OK I hope it's just a setup issue... it's my first setup so I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. I've played with all the GBSC settings (tried them all) to see if I could make it behave any differently. It's all set correctly AFAIK but yep if someone would share some insight that would be very much appreciated.
I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble here, but these screens to me appear like there’s an issue with one of the customs or rams.

Before doing anything else, try doing this: power up the board & leave it on for at least a minute. Then, check & see if any of the components such as the PPU, the CCU are very hot to the touch. If not, then check to see if any of the rams are also running hot, especially the 256KB work SRAM at 9D. If any of these are running hits they either have a bad trace, bad solder connection somewhere or worse, they are dead. I have a spare CPS3 motherboard that has this similar issue & its PPU is unfortunately toast after some of the work rams died (they ended up running blistering hot; you could have cooked an egg on them!). After I replaced them & reflowed every custom chip, the issue still persisted. :/
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I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble here, but these screens to me appear like there’s an issue with one of the customs or rams.

Before doing anything else, try doing this: power up the board & leave it on for at least a minute. Then, check & see if any of the components such as the PPU, the CCU are very hot to the touch. If noted then check to see if any of the rams are also running hot, especially the 256KB work SRAM near the two crystal oscillators. If any of these are running hits they either have a bad trace, bad solder connection somewhere or worse, they are dead. I have a spare CPS3 motherboard that has this similar issue & its PPU is unfortunately toast after some of the work rams died (they ended up running blistering hot; you could have cooked an egg on them!)
Thanks for the response. The PPU gets warm but I don't think its 'too hot', warm but wouldn't be able to fry an egg on it. I don't know what the CCU is, can you explain or point that out to me please? I will check the SRAM too if I can find that.

I am using some third party SIMMs. The CPS3 came with NG, so I had to source more SIMMs. I've tried with the original SIMMs in, and its the same issue.
However just want to point out that when I first turned it on, it worked fine (booted into BIOS), it was only after a few reboots that I can't get to the menu at all any more (video out looks like this).
All the soldering etc looks very tidy, I can't spot any issues at all.
I now wonder if one of thr chips on your SIMMS might be loose. Can you visually inspect the SIMMS and see if there are any lifted/loose traces?

The CCU is right behind the cartridge slot (one of the two customs located side by side).
SIMMs look fine as far as I can tell, traces all look good... i can post some pics tomorrow if you think it would be beneficial to share? and i will check the CCU heat too.

Can it still boot with no SIMMs installed? I did try it but saw the same result on the screen.
Yes, the Darksoft splash screenshould normally come up even without SIMMS installed - it’ll just stop loading with a “not enough memory” warning. My $ is there being something wrong with either your motherboard or SIMMS.
Okay so if i remove all the SIMMs, I should still see the CPS3 splash screen, that rules out SIMMs being the issue here then?

I may still have bad SIMMs as well, but if I can't see the darksoft menu then i wouldn't be able to validate that. so i just want to get into that menu for now.
it seems strange to me that this started happening after rebooting it a couple of times after successfully getting into darksoft bios menu originally.
Update -

I have:
- Removed all SIMMs, same display issue, tried with both Darksoft and SF3NG carts. This rules out the SIMMs being the root cause.
- Tried without a cart (no video at all, expected)
- Checked the PPU and CCU, the PPU gets quite warm but I wouldn't say it's 'hot' to the touch, i can still put my fingers on it comfortably while it's on. Attached pic of it anyway. It's looks in good condition to my untrained eye. CCU feels fine too (doesn't even get warm, maybe very slightly if at all).

Anything else I can try? I've inspected all board for what feels like hours now and I can't see any suspicious looking soldering/connections.
I was chatting to someone online who suggested it looks like an RGB sync issue to him but I don't know how I can determine that. I will note that when I first got this board and it booted up with faded colors, I did press the RGB Sync button on the GBSC a few times to try fix the color but it didnt bring the color back to life, it just made the display flicker a little. I've tried resetting the GBSC to factory settings, etc.

Also when I power off the CPS3 and keep the GBSC on, the image stays on the screen but it turns static (doesn't flicker, as soon as I turn the CPS3 back on it will start flickering again). Not sure if that's normal or not.

Any other input greatly appreciated. I don't know anyone with a supergun that I could try on their setup unfortunately.

Pic attached of it running with same issue with SIMMs removed. :(


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I have seen this problem before
1- you have a color issue
2- you might have a sync issue ( idk why maybe because you are using a super gun )
3- those lines you are seeing are appearing like if the cart is dead or has bad connection to the board.
( I didn’t real all the comments) What I can tell you is :
1- Try to clean pins on the cartridge
2- spray cartridge pins with IPA and stick it in the slot multiple times
3- try opening the cart and place it in the slot then put pressure on the bios with two fingers and boot it up maybe the bios pins are loose
Hope this helps.
Worked on this board for @dsx606 and found a bunch of corroded traces which I patched up, the screen looked different but the game still did not boot. I went as far as lifting the CCU and verifying all the traces under.


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I had put a lot of time and made progress but decided to set it aside for the time being. I came across another board for cheap that was gonna be my plan B in case I could not get @dsx606 original board going. Turns out plan B was more of a pain to get going than the original, after a few weeks of work here and there I got plan B going and happy to say a working board came out of it. I'll link to the post of the work since there is video and tons of images .