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Nov 6, 2017
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Mission Viejo, CA, USA
Hi Folks!

I did my CPS3 Digital AV install this weekend - and have run into some issues.

The first time I got everything installed and fired up - the video came up and worked great - but for some reason, zero audio on the HDMI (but I did have it out the JAMMA edge). I was trying to troubleshoot this and have made the issue a bit worse.

I assume audio is carried via the BCK/WS/DAT pins? I test continuity for each of those on the helpper board all the way through to the top board - no issues. For the small coax snap in on the helper board - I have the shielding wire going to the ground (which continuity tests out to the ground on the JAMMA edge) and the inner cable going to BCK. WS and DAT come from the small board beneath with the two enameled wires - these also continuity test out to the motherboard.

In troubleshooting I removed the C2 wire to check things, and when I soldered C2 back up - the system wouldn't boot up at all. If I remove the C2 wire from the digital board, it all boots up fine. I tried using another wire on C2 - also didn't work. Keep in mind - C2 was working FINE before - I had video and everything, just no audio. all I did was desolder C2 and them put it back on the pad on the digital AV board. I tested all the pads on the digital AV board to ensure that I have no shorts - and nothing that I can find.

I have the 3 solder pads joined by U11 as well.

Any help would be appreciated! Kind of beating my head against the wall on this one.

I did my CPS1 digital install this weekend as well.

I am sure you did this but just in case did you flash the CPS3 firmware?

When I did my CPS1 install it didn't work and after a lot of of banging my head off the wall I realized it was because it was CPS2 firmware running... womp womp. As soon as I flashed the CPS1 everything worked gloriously.
yeah - that is what I will do tonight - I bought it as cps3, and it has a little cps3 sticker on it - but since its acting weird - I will flash it tonight just to make sure.

Hi @LittleLarrySellers - can you give me a quick primer on how to flash the new firmware?

I have a USB blaster, I just downloaded the quartet software, along with the MAX10 device pack.

I am on the github for the CPS2 board, but don't quite see what (or how) to download, and not sure how to drop that into Quartus and ensure that it sees the blaster and the CPS2 board once plugged into the JTAG.


I followed this guys instructions and it was pretty straightforward -> https://retrostuff.org/2020/03/29/capcom-cps2-digital-av-interface-firmware-update/#Firmware-update

The firmware is confusing cuz they all are called "cps2" files but you want this guy for CPS3 -> https://github.com/marqs85/cps2_digiav/blob/master/board/cps3/output_files/cps2_digiav.jic

If you look on the main readme on marqs repo it states it: "The project consists of a common interface PCB (pcb/) and board-specific FPGA firmware (board/<board>/output_files/cps2_digiav.jic)."
Well - looks like my USB Blaster won't load with the drivers... I will have to get another one.

Hi @LittleLarrySellers - what version of Quartus are you using? I downloaded the latest - 20.1.1 and even w/o plugging in the usb blaster - after the install when it tries to install the usb blaster drivers it fails....

Yep - followed that as well - it doesn't find the driver - sorry to keep bugging you - what usb blaster do you have? I do have another one arriving tomorrow, I hope I have better luck with it - but if not, knowing which one you have that works will be great.

This is the one that I have now that I can't a driver to load for it:


This is the one that is coming tomorrow.


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Well - this is just frustrating! I reprogrammed it using the CPS3 file and that went through fine - but still not working right.

The frustrating part is that the first time I turned everything on - the video was working perfectly, I just didn't have audio! It has just gotten progressively worse the more I have troubleshotted (is that a word)?

Here is what I am experiencing now.

1) If the HS cable is hooked up - bootup doesn't happen at all - no video signal off the JAMMA edge (no signal lock on the OSSC)
2) if C2 is hooked up then it won't boot to the menu.

Combination - if C2 is hooked up and HS isn't - it at least boots to a black screen (OSSC has a signal).

If both HS and C2 are disconnected - then off the JAMMA edge it boots fine to the region selection menu and plays fine.

Here are some pictures - I am at a bit of a loss of what to do next, I have tested to ensure no bridges are existing, and continuity seems fine.

Again - the first bootup after initial install, everything worked great except for audio!



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That sucks. Well, at least you know the firmware is good now and you figured out the USB Blaster Master so another tool in the toolbox.

If I had a CPS3 mod done I'd be happy to look closer at mine to see what may be different than what you did but I only have a CPS1/2 done so not sure that will help.

Only thing I can think is you said it got worse after you desoldered something so maybe you accidentally splashed some solder somewhere and bridged something adjacent.

I also did the RGB mod last weekend on my TI 99/4a (yeah i'm old) and I had a similar situation where it wasn't 100% working and I desoldered something to debug and made it worse. The computer wouldn't even POST. After looking with a magnifying glass I saw I freaking splashed a tiny bit of solder on a nearby SMD chip with fine pitch and bridged two pins! Once I removed that bridge everything started working. I know you said you checked already but maybe look at surrounding chips on the board near where you did your work.
Thats a good idea - let me do that... if its anything, its on the digital AV board, as the CPS3 works fine.

Ok - so strangely, it seems as if HS and GND have continuity - with nothing else plugged into the board. Here is a picture of that section. I have emailed Matt Burton (VGP) to see if he has any ideas.

EDIT: It seems as if C2 is also shorted to GND, so I am guessing that is my problem. Just not sure how to fix - hopefully Matt will have a good idea!



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Yeah best bet is to hit him up directly at this point. I am sure he will know what is up. It's gonna be sexy as F when you get it going. Really an awesome mod.
Closing the loop on this - it turns out that HS or any of the other pads should be shorting to ground - I got ahold of marqs and he said to try replacing U9 and U16 - the small 6 legged chips right above the pads. That didn't work either - the board was dead. So - somehow (no idea how) I managed to kill the board, even though the actual cyclone chip itself would take a program.

I ended up ordering another board and just hooked it up - works perfectly out of the gate - so I am good! Onto my CPS1 board now!

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Hey all! Hope you don't mind the thread bump, but figured it might be useful to keep all the CPS3 troubleshooting of the DAVs in one place in case anyone else has some of the same problems down the road.

I shelved this extra set long long ago for the exact problem I'm having on the second pass, but I'd really like to get this finally sorted out. The board itself plays great off jamma- just the DAV that's acting a little funky. I've got a friend a state over that's hoping to bolster their fighting game scene, so I'm hoping to hook them up with this spare set and hopefully get the HDMI finally working as a nice bonus to make their future streaming efforts a little easier.

This is I think the...3rd? Maybe 4th CPS3 DAV I've done, but never quite figured out what's happening with this particular set. installed as per usual- it's one of the cps3 revisions that has the "daughter card" on the underside, so I can just follow the guide(s) verbatim afaik...but the sync just doesn't want to play nice :huh: Here's a video to show what's happening. Any suggestions? Any chance it could be a firmware issue? I'm all out of the little buttons the QSB kits usually come with, so I need to order another couple to keep on hand (mouser/digikey link appreciated if you could! :) )

clip of sync issue
quick bump for the sun-up crowd; posted this pretty late into the night yesterday :rolleyes:

I have emailed Matt Burton (VGP) to see if he has any ideas.
Think I could ask you to PM me their email if no one has any suggestions? Took a peek around the VGP forums but couldn't find the same contact info
Matt I think just assembles the boards - he said to get ahold of marqs on the boards for any technical help.