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CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

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@Ajax you know we have a "no drama" policy here.
Comparing me to a child having a tantrum is most certainly encouraging drama and is a personal attack.

@brizzo I understand my ideas are not popular/majority, however is this to be tolerated for that reason?

Somehow I expected more from this community.
I feel just like I'm back on NG.com... Wow is all I have to say...
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I clicked on like, becasue I understand that we are all excited as little kids, I didnt understand it at all as offensive as you did.

Le'ts go back to normal talk and let's try to be not so biased towards thinking that we are being attacked.
Normal talk: I think randomizing the Q-Sound chips was a good choice. Darksoft and crew are doing the best they can to satisfy this passionate group and I think the decision was a logical and fair one.

Reasoning: The interest check lists are primarily to determine numbers, not generate an elitist groups of “firsts” getting privy to “more valuable stuff”. That’s what this is going to turn out as: “This has an original q-sound chip, pay me double” situations are going to be inevitable.
At least randomizing helps those who didn’t sign-up right away to get a chance at an OG chip. IF they care.

If they don’t, they can trade it with someone who does, as aforementioned in this thread.

But at least this makes it so for those who signed up later, because not everyone is here refreshing the forum pages 20 times an hour, to get a chance to be on even ground.

These are my personal feelings on the matter. You may disagree, and I will respect that. But I won’t be hitting the ‘dislike’ on all your comments only because you disagree with me.
Where my CPS1/2/3 MultiBoyz at? Who's got the trifecta?
When CPS1 arrives my multi collection will have:

1x CPS1 Multi
2x CPS2 Multis
3x CPS3 Multis (no ultrasimms)
1x NeoGeo
2x Mistercades

I put down interest for 2 CPS1 multi's to have 2x the trifecta. Maybe in the future o/
@Ajax you know we have a "no drama" policy here.
Comparing me to a child having a tantrum is most certainly encouraging drama and is a personal attack.

@brizzo I understand my ideas are not popular/majority, however is this to be tolerated for that reason?

Somehow I expected more from this community.
I feel just like I'm back on NG.com... Wow is all I have to say...
This is why I said “I could say more, but I won’t.” I wanted to avoid the drama other places had.

Unfortunately, when we avoid drama it allows others to throw hissy fits without reproach.

Prob best I take a break for a while...
I'll return when the multi arrives. *waves*
A small break now and then does everyone a little good.
Same, I'm off 3rd Strike maybe once a year?
I can wait the 40mins to re-write. :P

Dynamo HS-5?!
I feel like you have a ton of space to work with... Try getting a Primal Rage into a Taito Vewlix ;)
Exactly. I figure if I need to switch games, I can set it to re-write and get some stuff taken care of while it gets ready. Yeah, my cab is a nice HS-5 I brought back from the dead. Just a tough time moving stuff around in there as I had right rotator cuff surgery four months ago and am still recovering from that. (Don't ever tear your rotator cuff. It's not a pleasant recovery at all).

I have had a vector-labs jamma selector in my HS-5 Super Turbo for some time and brought it to expo with ST, SFA3, Third Strike and later SF2 Hyper Fighting all running in there. I usually just have three boards inside but you can make it work with four. For kickharnesses, you can now get a condenser board so you can plug them all in and you don’t have to mess with that. I just made custom molexes for the kick harnesses that I unplug and plug in via the coin door when needed. Keep in mind you may need to crank up the power supply volts or add another power supply to feed the selector board as some voltage is lost through the additional cabling.
Oh cool. I've honestly been away from the arcade scene for a few years as I have room for no more and honestly have what I want, but I'll take a look over there. I have a kind of funky setup in my cab, but it sounds like the stuff I need to do what I want is there. I can always take the slide drawer out of there to give me more access, then attach the PCBs to the sides or bottom of the cab out of the way and just run cables. Me think I have a project to work on now. Ha.
Not sure if I was supposed to order later/in a new round (or if I’m doing bad math but thought I saw someone in the 500 + range ordering so went ahead and put my order in 🤷‍♂️. If I need to go back on it let me know.

Order 41165
Queue 593
Any word on who will make the cases?
I think @hursit will be making one. Him being a valued member of this community alongside his track record for solidly designed cases, I’ll be throwing money his way when he releases it and recommend y’all do to!
@Darksoft Sorry if this question has already been asked. Is Marqs' DigiAV kit going to work with the CPS1 Multi and Qsound? Would the audio out of the HDMI output be in Stereo?