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CPS III black screen

One more doubt: I have read that there is some boards version with a suicide battery inside... My CPSIII board is 95682A-4 version. Could be any damage in the board due to this battery??
No. As you have found the board boots without a cart in it to a garbage screen.

The main CPU for CPS3 is in the cart, if it's suicided it will not boot.

Nothing else matters, no jumpers, no motherboard settings, no motherboard battery, no missing or damaged CD.

If you do not get a game or error message on boot and your motherboard isn't completely dead, your cart has suicided.

Also, your voltage sounds very high. What is your 5v reading?
No. As you have found the board boots without a cart in it to a garbage screen.

The main CPU for CPS3 is in the cart, if it's suicided it will not boot.

Nothing else matters, no jumpers, no motherboard settings, no motherboard battery, no missing or damaged CD.

If you do not get a game or error message on boot and your motherboard isn't completely dead, your cart has suicided.

Also, your voltage sounds very high. What is your 5v reading?
OK, thanks for your help.

The voltage is 5.21V.
Could the cart be modified or something like that to make it works with my CD driver??
You will have to have complete SIMMs set (ready for 3rd strike) and burn a Darksorft CD. You can choose the version of super bios that fit for you.
You will have to have complete SIMMs set (ready for 3rd strike) and burn a Darksorft CD. You can choose the version of super bios that fit for you.
Should I have to open the CPSIII case to put that SIMMs? I only would like to modify the cart game and nothing more... I guess I will not need the CD game in order to make run the modified cart.

The game is "Street Fighter III: New Generation" (USA version).
If you use a Superbios, the use of all SIMMs will be mandatory, you can't choose, but will be able to run all the 6 CPS3 games. You get the simm and install on socket, nothing more.

You can do it with any cart.
If you use a Superbios, the use of all SIMMs will be mandatory, you can't choose, but will be able to run all the 6 CPS3 games. You get the simm and install on socket, nothing more.

You can do it with any cart.
So, I have to replace the SIMM inside the cart for the modified one, and nothing more... I don't want to open the CPSIII metal case...
No. You need to add 3 additional SIMMS to the motherboard itself.

You are not able to revive the cartridge to play the original New Generations game only. You have to upgrade it so it can play everything.
Guys. This guy clearly needs it spelled out to a certain degree.

1) You want a Superbios cart NO MATTER WHAT. The gameplay is 100% the same as original stock carts, and you won't ever have to worry about a suicide battery again. PM @Darksoft or @Mitsurugi-w to have this done to your cart.

2) You are going to have to read/study the CPS3 a little bit.


^^Read this thoroughly.

3) Open your CPS3 case and LOOK at what SIMMS you have currently. You are most likely going to need to acquire TWO more 128 Mbit SIMMS (Darksoft sells reproduction 128mbit simms, PM him) and ONE additional 64 Mbit SIMM. (This is harder to find) I would suggest PMing darksoft to see if he has any extras he is willing to sell, or if he has repros (I don't know if darksoft made repro 64s?)

You may have to search EBay for a 64Mbit SIMM or, even, buy another cps3 kit and salvage the 64 mbit SIMM. **OR, buy another new generation set and just use all the SIMMS, which combined will equal what you need. ** 64 mbit SIMMS are the hard part here. Someone else here may be able to help you. But this is what you need.

All together, FOUR 128 Mbit SIMMS and TWO 64 Mbit SIMMS. Again, read the arcadeotaku page.