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Can I convert System Multi 32 --> Regular System 32 game?


Mar 28, 2018
Reaction score
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Stupid question, maybe?

Can I convert a Sega Multi System 32 (ex: Outrunners) into a regular Sega System 32 game?

I know the hardware is an "updated" System 32, since it has inputs for 2 players and has dual monitor output (Outrunners for instance uses 1 board for 2 players).

Reason I ask is: I have an Outrunners PCB that I'm not using, and I'd rather convert it into something I'll play, than keep it on the shelf forever.
Just for record keeping:

System 32 uses a V60 NEC chip
System Multi 32 uses a V70 NEC chip

And according to what I could gather online, they have the same instruction set and V80/V70/V60 are backwards compatible.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I do not know the answer but it would be interested to know.... especially if a actual system 32 multi becomes available (like the system 16)

Too much use of the word 'multi' gets confusing....

If i was to take a guess i would say no, the two are not compatible. (Although patching the roms could be an option)

It would be pretty nice to play some outrunners and then flick over to some golden axe. ...
I think it's better to sell me or trade me that Outrunners! :P

What game do you prefer? Can you modify a home console wheel to play ORs?
So, was the question ever answered?

A friend of mine owns both a Rad Mobile and Outrunners cabs. Rad Mobile PCB died after a power surge, so we are wondering if we could make Outrunners into Rad Mobile, since it is the deluxe cab with movement which is more valuable and fun to him.
Bump. Did anyone ever do this.
I don't think it could be possible, since their sound hardware is quite different, and the System 32 Multi does not even use its single YM3438 for sound, only uses it for timing
So basically the System 32 uses FM (6 channel) + FM (6 channel) + PCM sound chips while the Multi 32 uses a just a powerful PCM (28 channel) sound chip that does it all if I understood well
Thank you for your response.
So it sounds like two different hardware.
One for the multi and one for the single.

If a multigame ever develops I wonder if that would complicate things or it would only be available for the single versions.