So I was able to find an in stock SCSI2SD 2.5” SD emulator for the hard drive.
I posted on r/VintageApple on Reddit to try to get more info on why some SCSI2SD devices don’t have pin 41/42 and some do. I guess most people who build them just solder in the full 50 pin headers and drill out pin 41 and 42 on the ribbon cable to blank those pins.
so that’s the plan. Drill out pin 41 and 42 on a new IDC 2MM pitched 50 pin cable and see it Crypt Killer will read the device as the SCSI hard drive.
I probed pin 41 and 42 on the pcb and I can’t find continuity between anything but in case I missed it I’ll still drill the pins out as a guarantee they aren’t connected
I found one photo of it done before. ShouTime has his setup with a SCSI2CF adapter. Photos are terrible and I can’t get any info off them but obv it’s doable.
So yeah...fingers crossed!
I posted on r/VintageApple on Reddit to try to get more info on why some SCSI2SD devices don’t have pin 41/42 and some do. I guess most people who build them just solder in the full 50 pin headers and drill out pin 41 and 42 on the ribbon cable to blank those pins.
so that’s the plan. Drill out pin 41 and 42 on a new IDC 2MM pitched 50 pin cable and see it Crypt Killer will read the device as the SCSI hard drive.
I probed pin 41 and 42 on the pcb and I can’t find continuity between anything but in case I missed it I’ll still drill the pins out as a guarantee they aren’t connected
I found one photo of it done before. ShouTime has his setup with a SCSI2CF adapter. Photos are terrible and I can’t get any info off them but obv it’s doable.
So yeah...fingers crossed!
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