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MITSU Batman Forever Sound PCB Repro Instructions and Resources

Is there a special pinout for STV Batman kickharness ?

Look at the info from page 1 below:

On Batman Forever JAMMA button 1 is not used and the 3 buttons that the game DOES use are mapped to JAMMA buttons 2, 3, and 4, so you essentially have to shift them all over by 1 on the JAMMA edge.

It's documented on pages 23 and 24 of the manual: https://www.arcade-museum.com/manuals-videogames/B/BatmanForever.man.pdf

I ran the game at a party last weekend and made a hand-soldered JAMMA pass-through to play the game that shifts the buttons over by 1 and provides power to the audio board.

I'm not really sure why the kick harness needs to be involved though.
On Batman Forever JAMMA button 1 is not used and the 3 buttons that the game DOES use are mapped to JAMMA buttons 2, 3, and 4, so you essentially have to shift them all over by 1 on the JAMMA edge.

It's documented on pages 23 and 24 of the manual: https://www.arcade-museum.com/manuals-videogames/B/BatmanForever.man.pdf

I ran the game at a party last weekend and made a hand-soldered JAMMA pass-through to play the game that shifts the buttons over by 1 and provides power to the audio board.

I'm not really sure why the kick harness needs to be involved though.
Hi, do you have any picture to show me how did you do the hand-soldered jamma pass-through ? Thanks
lol @Derick2k WTF! I gotta have that. Give me a PayPal!

Well anyway I just DIY’ed one of my own as well, using the inline JAMMA helper from Arcade Forge, with stereo JAMMA wired for MVS. To whomever may concern: don’t forget to lift the speaker pins on the female side, to keep any game PCB speaker outputs unconnected from the Batman Sound PCB.

Excuse me, you took the spk - in white wire and spk + in red wire from the jamma to the connector left + for the white wire and right + in red wire ? Or right - in white wire and right + in red wire ? (is it mono? ) I cannot see your connector plugging