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I just ordered a number of Frank's atx/idc jamma extender pcbs. I have not seen them yet but they should be blue, have the solder mask notch cut out and be bevelled from the factory. If anyone wants a blank pcb set or a full extender drop me a message.
I was thinking of modifying the pcb design but decided that it was pointless as it is just an extender and most jamma switchers would not switch what I wanted to add, plus it's a beautiful design as is.
I am also thinking of making a jamma harness with a similar philosophy for my cps 1/2 multi cab the idea being to use off the shelf cables to plug into a base pcb to carry/connect the power, standard jamma controls, kick harness, test and service, coin and sound to clean up my wires which are getting out if hand. I am thinking that you should be able to plug both kick harnesses in and never have to switch anything around. Not sure if and when I'll do this but if others were interested it might give me some motivation.
AUX Supergun-mini arrived first thing I tested was my MVS and happy to say it works...have not turned it on in 15 years or so. 😱


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I just ordered a number of Frank's atx/idc jamma extender pcbs. I have not seen them yet but they should be blue, have the solder mask notch cut out and be bevelled from the factory. If anyone wants a blank pcb set or a full extender drop me a message.
I was thinking of modifying the pcb design but decided that it was pointless as it is just an extender and most jamma switchers would not switch what I wanted to add, plus it's a beautiful design as is.
I am also thinking of making a jamma harness with a similar philosophy for my cps 1/2 multi cab the idea being to use off the shelf cables to plug into a base pcb to carry/connect the power, standard jamma controls, kick harness, test and service, coin and sound to clean up my wires which are getting out if hand. I am thinking that you should be able to plug both kick harnesses in and never have to switch anything around. Not sure if and when I'll do this but if others were interested it might give me some motivation.

I'd be keen on one of these please if you could let me know pricing for a assembled unit :)
Geez.. be careful. If you luck out and get a faulty one it’s more than likely going to damage your tube. I’ve had two necked tubes come into my possession so far
It will be plug and pray I’m afraid. I will test it in the Blast City though. I’d rather blow that neck off than the Windy 😛
Hi all,
I am now offering cap kits for all systems, shipping from QLD

I am working on a website but for now if you need a cap kit let me know which system you want and I will send through pricing

I am supplying mostly Wurth and some Panasonic/Rubycon caps as I have used these myself on many systems with great results and availability on these is excellent

If there are any caps I’m missing to make what you need I can fulfill within a few days, I have regular orders coming in with additional capacitance/voltages. But I can cover 99% of consoles and arcade systems now

Unless requested as through hole, SMD based systems will be supplied with SMD cap kits

I also have ceramic cap kits to suit Sega Game Gear. But can supply electrolytic if preferred
In case anyone is interested before it goes to eBay - I have a couple of spare PS2 consoles I will be selling. First one is ready to go now

PS2 Slim 77002 model with modchip (direct boot into imports/backups, can direct boot off memory card, USB etc)

This console has been stripped down and cleaned, battery is good, laser is good and has been tested with both DVD and CD games and DVD movies

It will come with the power brick, AV cable and if a member here is interested I’ll include a genuine (tested) controller and memory card. Additional controllers are available

Pictures coming soon
I recently purchased one of @xodaraP pre-built PS2's and am very happy with the unit. His attention to detail and communication throughout is superb. Buy with confidence!
Another +1 and thanks to @xodaraP - I ordered cap kits for my M92 boards and MK1 sound board off him recently. Will be good to get those done and dusted. Preventative maintenance is a must on the M92 boards for those waiting on the multi (they’re known to be leakers).
Thinking of selling a 100% original Astro City ..
plus a bunch of extra Astro stuff

Is 4k out of line ?
In AU, if you can get that price, good for you.

I don't think many people in AU are willing to spend more than 3k for a candy cab sadly - if it was a wooden LAI cab that had a the 50 million games in 1 board, you'll probably get 4k for it.

I've seen a super neo for 3.7k that's been around for a long time and I got 1 serious enquiry in relation to my blast that I had listed for 2.5k

Good luck. Granted, Astro's are imo one of the nicest candies, it might sell for 4k if someone wants it bad enough.
There’s a handful floating around at present for $1800-$1900 range, and they haven’t sold. I’ve never seen a mainstream cabinet (eg Astro/Blast) sell for much more than $2500.

$4k is like Egret 2 territory, or something more bespoke imported from Japan.

I guess list it up and see how it goes?
There’s very few cabs that sell for 4k - not even sure an Egret 2 would go that high. Maybe in the right condition but that would be the only candy that would

TMNT is about the only cab that will pull 4k all day every day. Or some US dedicated cabs
We have a little initiative and know there is still a large over supply of candies in Japan. Last time I was in Osaka I found at least 2 different places that had 100s (maybe 50-100) and were happy to just see them gone. Most of the cost is in logistics both in Japan and over the water. The cabs themselves are dirt cheap to free in Japan. This won't be the case forever though and over the last few years I have seen a steady drying up of vintage cabs. Vintage consoles used to be similar but foreign resellers have now almost depleted supply and Japanese gamers can frequently be heard talking about gaijin destroying the Vintage console scene.
Initiative is probably the wrong word, maybe exposure or experience. We have a number of people with experience importing used cars, motorcycles, toys, pokemon cards, etc etc. My son was making more money than me at 12 importing pokemon, bakugun, and other random toys and cards.
LAI cabs asking big dollars is mind boggling. I don't get it. Who determined those prices - stuff stays unsold and what then, wheeled back into storage or traded off for pinballs?

The cab market has slowed, no doubt, so perhaps this is the low point of the cycle.
LAI cabs asking big dollars is mind boggling. I don't get it.

I have this conversation with people quite a bit... it's completely mind boggling

I think nostalgia plays a big part.

That being said, I would take a fibreglass japanese cab over a LAI any day of the week even though I grew up with Lowboy, definitely played on astros/blasts in the city, but the local arcade were always on lowboys